
How come the homeless can afford cigarettes but not food?

by Guest31642  |  earlier

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Every time you see them on TV they claim they are starving and have no place to live but they are always smoking?




  1. I have witnessed a homeless man in our town going through cigarette but cans and pulling out cigarettes that were not completely smoked.  He will also pick them up off the street and smoke them too.  Just because you see them smoking doesn't mean that they were bought.  They can beg for cigarettes just like they do money.

  2. Who said they have no food? If they had no food, they would be dead.

    Which being said, nicotine is the most addictive drug known. An addicted smoker will buy cigarettes before he'll buy food.

  3. if i was homeless i would be stressed all the time and smoking like a fiend  cigs are easier to bum i would tk than money

  4. becuase, if you smoke, there's "always" a way to get cigarrettes. no matter what! haha if there's a will there's a way, but i agree with you, how are they not affording the food!? haha

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