
How come the jobs such as paramedics, police, fireman etc. that save lives are paid less than...?

by Guest64297  |  earlier

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Lawyers, judges, etc. who talk and make decisions for a living getting paid alot more, verses saving lives like the others are paid alot less??




  1. First of all, its a government job. 2nd, because of its benefits. And third, is because its more of a public service rather than individual payments by clients. Trust me, these less paying jobs are more honorable, and makes you more of a hero =]

  2. Partly, it is a question of education, you forgot to add doctors into your comparison.  Doctors save lives and they are very well paid.  Overall, the better educated you are, no matter what career you have the more money you will make.

  3. Education!  Anyone can be a cop or fireman, without paying for a lot of school.

    Doctors save more lives than those others, and they get paid for their education.

  4. I can't really answer that but you are right. You can put teachers into that category as well.We always complain if these people make mistakes but if we would insist on better training and pay these people what they're worth it would be money well spent. Good question!


  6. If i had the answer to that I think I'd be a genius but it all comes down to the fact that those jobs (teacher, fireman, police, etc) are paid for by the actual city.  IE the city of Chicago pays all those people where a person who is a lawyer is hired by a law firm and based on how many clients they bring in ehty make more money.  

       Granted you can be the top cop in Chicago and there is a peak amount of money to be made and if that law firm keeps growing you could make millions.  Is it, right? no but if you want equal parity your going to be taxed to the ends of the earth.  Same thing goes for actors and athletes.  Should they be paid millions of dollars to do what they do?  I know the arguments that people would present (best in their field, only so many can do it, etc) but in the long run who's more important to the city's everyday well being Ozzie Guillien as the Sox's coach or the paramedic who works at saving people's life everyday?

    (I just picked Chicago as a random city but I know in almost every city I've lived that's how it is and well... if I'm wrong I'll hear about it)

  7. I believe what they are trying to say is OUR GOVERNMENT IS BULL

  8. I have always wondered that. They should be paid more. But hey, in alot of jobs, it's who you know, and not WHAT you know!! So it's not always education, they are trained and they start making the big bucks with NO college!!

  9. I've been wondering the same d**n thing

  10. It does seem unfair I agree.  The reason judges are paid alot is because they need to be seen as unbribable, the thinking being that if they're paid loads then they wont be tempted to take payment for an easy prison sentence.  Lawyers too need to be impartial, but they've also spent countless years just learning stuff to be able to give a decent defence to someone who may be free, but facing a life in jail, so it could be said that they save lives too (although I'm sure the majority would disagree!)

    But yes, I believe firemen, policemen and paramedics should get paid more for the work they do since they're put in harms way on such a regular basis, it doesnt really seem fair.

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