
How come the libs don't ridicule Tipper Gore for trying to ban the SALE of certain types of music?

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They love to create a twisted, demorat version of what Palin did with a book people could check out of a public library, but they forget that Tipper Gore, Al Gore's unelected wife, brought her set of morals and expertise to congress to "do something" about music she didn't like and/or agree with.




  1. Perhaps because that was 10 FREAKIN' YEARS AGO, the economy is in the garbage, our reputation is in shambles and there's much more important things to talk about now, like how John McCain has not proposed anything to deal with either?

  2. I am liberal, and as much as I love Al Gore, I hated Tipper for this very reason. It's also why I hated Joe Lieberman...and still do, come to think of it. I'm glad he left our party!

    Anyway, I don't think any music or literature should be banned. What Palin did with the books is ridiculous. That's just too much censorship for my taste. Plus, Tipper didn't threaten to fire anyone for not listening to her. :)


    You know who else burned books? n***s.

  3. Tipper Gore wasn't going to take it anymore!

  4. Becuase I was like 8 when that happened.

  5. I did.

    Which is why I wanted McCain to get the nod in 2000.

    And now he chooses a censor like Tipper to run with him.


  6. People all across America were against her censorship

    just as they would be against Palin trying to muscle her town's librarian into censoring books she felt are unfit

    and Huckleberry Finn was ONE of them !!!!!!

  7. Tipper was against rap that suggested raping and beating women was a good thing. Do you blame her? She didn't try to ban it. She tried to make sure young kids didn't get their hands on it.

  8. I remember those times well.  

    They've lived so long with those parental warnings, they don't bother to find out that it was the wife of the great Al Gore who spearheaded it.  

    Not to mention her darling Al was right with her.

    It all started with the Prince song - Darling Nikki


    Charlie Bucket - it was 1985 -  didn't your school teach google or math?


    No Shauna - Tipper didn't have the authority to fire anyone, she just had the power from the backing of the Senate, and the NPTA to ruin peoples careers.  She did ruin some careers - because they could no longer sell their albums in mass market.

  9. Because many are not old enough to remember Tipper Gore.  

  10. we remember

    and.. at the time she was properly ridiculed !

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