
How come the media did not question Bush when he said that there's weapon in Iraq ?

by Guest65680  |  earlier

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I'm writing an essay and just need to gather some information, I wasn't in the U.S before the war started so i don't have much info. Any help is highly appreciated.

I was told that when Bush stated that he found that's there were nuclei weapons in Iraq, He didn't provide any proof and the media was afraid to ask question about this. Was this true. If yes, how come ?

u have any articles or any kind of credible sources, please provide them to me.

Thanks a bunch




  1. They did but he kept denying it............

  2. Bush cherrypicked his facts. Most corporations are either corrupt or too afraid to stand up to bullies. You are NOT going to find references to this unless you go to google video or YouTube and find some vids on 9/11. There are people out there who have and still are working on gathering ALL the facts. Iraq didn't do a thing to us. It was a rogue group headed by a man that Bush had done business with in the past. Osama bin Laden.

  3. You have to know that our invasion of Iraq was not too long after 9/11.  People here were fearful of terrorists and were not too familiar with the name Bin Laden nor al-Qaida. The public climate was a readiness to avenge the people who attacked us, and weapons of mass destruction sounded scary enough to everyone to believe that somehow there was a connection between Iraq and al-Qaida.  When Bush presented his information about Iraq and Saddam Hussein to the public, it all sounded so grave and secretive - it seemed that anyone outspoken or bold enough to question his judgement was immediately seen as being anti-American or unpatriotic - not a good thing to be labeled at that time.   For those reasons, the democratic process and rational thinking seemed to take a nap.  By the time people woke up, it was too late.

  4. It's like asking the wolf to guard the chicken house.

    The mass media is the propaganda machine for government and big business. They participate in loud and active debate within a spectrum of allowed topics, but are silent on topics outside. This is described by Noam Chomsky.

    For examples of topics that are off the table, see Ralph Nader's web site:

    Even PBS is repeating the nonsensical mantra of "war on terror" and other corporate and government spin.

  5. Because we were in a crisis and were looking for any way to deal with it, if the president says invading iraq will atone for 9-11, then we will believe it. It was all about fear,

    OR you could say the fox news was politically motivated to support the administration in an incredibly biased and entertaining manner, so all the other networks followed suit

    the point is you should keep a level head and listen to NPR

    as for information, I know several documentaries, Outfoxed, Why We Fight (new one), and a frontlines documentary that i think is called "Cheney's War" I can't redily remeber any articles, but you will want to search actual newspapers and magazines, as opposed to google for better information. The Major investigative newspapers are good, as is Time, The Ecconomist, etc.

    EDIT- Also, 9-11 was not an inside job, however the bush administration did take advantage of it in order to push their own ideological doctrines, they were not behind it. everybody please be rational

  6. Bush was badly let down by his own intelligence . The CIA told him that there were defiantly WMD there. Unfortunately he eventually believed them

  7. Because it was right after 9/11 and the country wanted to get who ever was responsible.  Bush used this to get his war.  Within a couple days of 9/11 he was asking leading questions to his cabnet.  "Iraq had something to do with this, right???"

    Bush, Cheney, Rove, Condi and Rummy need to be tried for war crimes and then executed.

  8. The fact is that the intelligence communities all over the world thought the same thing.  The European and British intelligence agencies thought there were WMD in Iraq.  Even the people who opposed the invasion thought there were WMD in Iraq.  John Kerry, though vehemently opposed to invading, thought so too.  Since intelligence from all different countries all said the same thing, nobody (or very few) thought to question the evidence.

    There remains still some evidence that WMD were shipped to other countries just before the invasion, or even during it.  In fact it is known for a fact that Iraq had WMD at some point, because he used them against the Kurds and Iranians.  He acted as if he had them, he refused UN inspections which were mandated after the Gulf War.  

    I see no evidence that the media were afraid to ask the question; they really didn't doubt that Iraq had WMD.

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