
How come the media dont run stories on the golfers that do beat Tiger Woods?

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How come the media dont run stories on the golfers that do beat Tiger Woods?




  1. Well, we know when he loses, we just don't remember the guy who beats him. It's because the big names that we do know don't show up. You rarely hear of a Phil Mickelson or Vijay Singh beating Tiger. Tiger losing is just a bigger story  than the person who beats him.

  2. Because they're boring.  No one is as great as Tiger and he is the big sale for everything that is golf.

  3. they do run stories about them. It is just that it happens so rarely that you can miss them. You would notice them more if that same person started to beat him on a at least semi regular occasion. How often does that happen if at all. And will it ever happen. I think not any time soon.

  4. The reasons is because usually the guys that do beat him are rare and far between.  Also, usually the guys that do beat him arent very personable and usually fall off the map.  Look at Olgivy, do you remember his last win???  US open in '05.  Thats a while ago.  Tigers last victory was last week.  Enough said.

  5. They do.  If a golfer even mentions his name, it's a story.  Such as this young Aussie named Day, or Rory or Ian Poulter.  All these guys ended up in the news b/c they said they could take Tiger.

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