
How come the nuclear energy plan is in a mess because the French did not buy out British Energy

by Guest59924  |  earlier

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What the h**l is our government up to, all they are worried about is a short term profit and not the British people BRITISH ENERGY belongs to Britain not the bloody French




  1. nuclear fusion is being developed and may replaced nuclear fission. but yea..its all about short term profits! enough to make one's career 'improved' by cost cutting. just like the defence budget, when tony sent the troops under equiped. goverment doesnt care about its people, just profits

  2. All our problems come from the fact that our successive governments follow the - now exposed as rubbish - American models.  

  3. There's not much left that belongs to Britain thanks to the tyrant thatcher, as for the nuclear energy plan, whether it's us or the french that own it, we will still be paying for it. Gas and oils are running out, an alternative has to be implemented and soon but everything is at a price

  4. The government are not upto anything. Thatcher and Major privatised everything between them, so now anyone with enough money is free to buy up all the shares, even the French. But what are you worried about? You don't want the French to buy into British nuclear generation, and they HAVEN'T, you have what you want, so why moan?

  5. Hi Tony

    The problem we have is the cost of developing and building nuclear power plants.

    The cost is phenominal and no gobernment in the world, at the present time could afford it without private investment.

    France is one of the main forerunners in nuclear power, it has one of the largest nuclear power generation industries in the world.

    The experience and know gained in this field by the French is unequalled and like it or not, we, the British, have back heeled Nuclear ower for years and are now at the botton of the pile as far as nuclear construction is concerned.

    So it is a major blow that the French have pulled out, lets hope that a new round of talks can be put together, otherwise our future energy needs will depend on us buying power from nuclear plants sited in France and not french owned nuclear plants in the UK..

    Forget the wind farms, we would need every sqare foot of land in the UK to have a turbine on it to generate our future needs.

    Forget solar, the Uk does not have enough acreage to place the Photoelectric cells on.

    Nuclear is the only way forward, either that or turn off the lights for good.

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