
How come the people hanging out at the DNC look like they need a bath? Did they bus them from Height Ashbury?

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Seriously, face paint? Pasties? Signs as shirts?




  1. Haight.. not Height.  

    I'm not watching the DNC right now.  Haight Ashbury is actually a pretty d**n expensive section of town.  Even if they look dirty they do so not because they can't afford otherwise (except the homeless people, but you can find those guys anywhere, not just SF)

  2. How could the city of Denver have imagined that giving our homeless haircuts, bus passes and movie tickets would only leave room for them to be replaced by people who actually choose to look like this?

  3. By the time they paid a little into higher everything thanks to Bush they could not afford the soap

    Maybe they were cons showing up to protest

  4. Great question. Actually that is the face of the Democrat Party. Unwashed hippies.

  5. How come Republicans are such bad lays? I mean really, you have questions, I have questions, we all have questions.

  6. One of those hats in the past even made it into the Smithonian.

    Equal that. I would not dress and attire myself as many of the participants but this is so much better than having to wear

    what other  governments dictate.

    Lighten up.


  7. They are saving water by only taking a bath once a month.

  8. They did-and they're taking sponge baths with old bongwater.

  9. They looked like terrorists from my angle, they were rude and crude.

    Glad I got to see what a REAL democrat looks like.

    Google "g*y Pride Parade Photos" if you want another glimpse of how morality is gone to trash.  Pelosi probably got the permit for them.

  10. How very Facile of you ... and pointless,

    A better question perhaps..why do people who have no real insight or understanding of politics Post in the politics section of Yahoo ? I mean there is a section for "Hair and Makeup "questions, I would go there, it's more your speed.

  11. Yes, they're dirty. And sick. I think most of them have STDs from playing with their pets in inappropriate ways.

  12. You see a group of people that you don't like and will say anything - even something as ridiculous as that.  

    Now, how about "Purple Heart" bandages worn by Republican delegates at the RNC convention in 2004. This was done to mock and belittle a man who won three purple hearts. It's easy to see who the low-lifes are - they were probably bussed in from under rocks across America.

  13. Same reason the people at the fringes of the GOP convention look like tailer trash and young n***s, I guess.

    I'll take a hippy over a n**i any day of the week.

  14. We call them "freeze dried hippies".  They are very uncool, like pinocchio they refuse to grow up; they just grow old.

  15. You do Haight Ashbury a disservice in comparing their citizens with the loons at the DNC.

  16. Ha Ha Ha. My husband and I  noticed the same thing. Also last night someone was speaking about mental health and they all just sat there with blank looks on their faces, I think they are the very people they were talking about!  

  17. Dirty and just plain stupid looking. I guess they are just really hung over or trying to conserve water.

  18. you ******* moron

  19. we know how to have a good whatever

    are you guys going in adult diapers with a handful of coupons???

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