
How come the polar icecaps on Mars are melting. Are humans to blame for that too?

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  1. Yes, global warming on Earth increases the amount of sunlight that is reflected off of Earth and then falls on Mars, causing that planet to warm too.  

    There is also evidence that this is causing the moon to heat up too.  This is disturbing because it causes water trapped in rocks on the moon to boil off into space.  We're going to need that water when we colonize the moon!

  2. i dont know how we could affect it. but hey, if we can do it to earth, i guess we can do it to mars

  3. What you have is an article that discusses how the polar cap of frozen CO2 on Mars waxes and wanes with the change in Martian seasons. This is similar to how the polar ice lines recede with Earth's seasonal changes.

    There's no reason to believe that this is caused by human beings, because it is caused by the oscillating tilt of Mars as it orbits the sun.

    I understand what you are trying to say, but you haven't found the golden bb here, and this really isn't the forum for disinformationalists - that goes for you too Blaven, your answer is unbased, totally incorrect and it demonstrates why real scientists have so much trouble trying to explain climate change. You're giving ammunition to fundamentalists.

  4. al gore did it.

    the stupid greedy t**d.


  5. Ask the Sierra Club they'll probably make some arguments for it.

  6. The atmoshere on mars is dense with CO2.  It collects at the poles as dry ice.  Just like the article says, mars has seasons just like earth because it is orbiting the sun.  As mars moves closer to the sun, the atmoshere heats up (summer) and the dry ice evaporates.  The answer to your question is the caps evaporate because of the seasons, and no, we are not to blame.

  7. no but its a good way for goverments to make money see my question!

  8. I'm not sure about that, but the article is cool.

  9. Of course not!  It's martians.

  10. but you do understand the Earth's Pollution created by us plays a big factor in our icecaps melting right??? and who is not to say what happens here doesnt indirectly fact other planets, making global warming even more important.

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