
How come the titanic sank when it hit ice when it was made of steel?

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gimmie a scientific answer. don't just say cuz ice is harder or something.




  1. The iceberg was more massive underwater than above water and it's shape ripped the side of the Titanic open; because of the length of the rip the watertight compartments were of no use because they were opened on the outer wall of the ship.  Years later, it was also discovered there were defects in either the steel or the rivets used in the manufacture of the ship; I saw this on a tv show and off hand can't remember how this played into the sinking of the Titanic.

  2. Didn't you see the movie? Leo was in handcuffs thats why... Leo was supposed to save everyone don't you know that?

  3. When I was young I was wondering this myself. Someone used this analogy. Did you ever have a real deep paper cut that wouldn't stop bleeding? Instead of the water gushing out; it was rushing in, causing the vessel to sink.  

  4. The ironic thing is that what caused the Titanic to sink was that if the crew realized it was too late to turn and simply told everyone to brace for impact, the ship would have likely stayed afloat.  Not saying everyone would have survived, especially those in front, but the impact wouldn't have flooded 5 compartments.  

  5. The ice crushed some of the steel panels and the rivets holding the ship together came out, allowing the water to flow into the hull. This filled 5 compartments with water and the titanic had been designed to stay afloat with no more then 4 compartments full of water.  

  6. The rivets that held the steel plates in the hull had too much carbon in them. This made them brittle and they snapped on impact. This allowed water in the hull. The ice breached 5 watertight compartments the ship was only designed to float with any 4 flooded and the compartments only went up to F deck and the water just spilled over.

  7. Lets talk about friction..when two things collide..they create friction..and when the Titanic and the ice berg collided..they did created a friction-a friction that caused the Titanic to loose its balance..because its got heavier content..that made the titanic sank..not because of the ice berg it self but because of the friction it had encountered...

    got it?hope my answer proved its sense..

  8. the issue started back when it was being built.  it had to be built by a certian date and therefore was rushed.  there were errors on it the weren't check.  also there was a fire in one of the coal pits.  that weaker that steal at the bottom.  by the time the ship hit the iceberg, it was completely doomed.  the icebreg was just the icinng on the cake and contributed very little to the sinking.  the ship would have sank eventually even if it didn't hit the iceberg

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