
How come the weather man can still have a job when his forcast is wrong

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How come the weather man can still have a job when his forcast is wrong




  1. Forecasting weather is much more difficult that many people believe. Meteorology is an inexact science, meaning we will never be able to predict it with 100 percent accuracy. The atmosphere is simply too chaotic with too many variables to be able to predict perfectly. Even the forecasts that are generated now use mathematical approximations to model actual processes in the atmosphere, and require some of the most powerful supercomputers in existence. Even the smallest errors or missing data can impact the outcome of these computer models...and since we can't measure the atmosphere at every single point, there's a lot of information that isn't incorporated into the model, resulting in extreme variability and sensitivity in the models. 10 different computer models will always show 10 different solutions. Many forecasters try to use a combination of model consensus (i.e. an average of all models) and pattern recognition (recognizing how certain weather features will evolve based on years of experience) to generate a forecast. But sometimes, mother nature simply does what she wants, regardless of what computer models or previous experience tells us...and forecasters can't get it right.

    Even though weather men/women are sometimes wrong, there is a demand for weather forecasts. As long as people still ask about it, there will continue to be a need for meteorologists...even if they are wrong. In the same way, people still come to car mechanics and doctors even though they are sometimes wrong.

  2. That's a very good question.  I've been wondering that for years.

    My favorite weather man story is when, a number of years ago one evening, there had been a hellacious storm.  The tornado sirens started going off, which didn't surprise me.  I turned on the weather to see what they were saying, and the weather man is standing there saying, "I don't know why the tornado sirens have gone off, there's no tornado".  Meanwhile, across town, a neighborhood got destroyed.

    I don't think he ever lived that one down.

  3. How can a weather man still have a job when his forecast is wrong?

    Because he can still forecast a h**l of a lot better than you could. Period.

  4. they only look at what the conditions are for the time...they may say it won't rain, but conditions can change and it may rain

    weather forcast are basically a guess  

  5. They have NEVER gotten one Spot On . SO there for it is never correct. So how can they be correct. they gueese 15 -30 miles Per Hour of wind. They don't forcast 23 mph. I know this because I want to be a meteroligis when i grow up.

  6. Weather is the most unpredictable concept possible, and while I do admit I am sometimes frustrated with incorrect forecasts, it is not the meteorologist's fault by any means. They are just using prior knowledge to infer the weather conditions e.g. unstable atmosphere=severe weather. In that case though, if the atmosphere stabilizes without warning, the severe weather is less likely. Therefore, since the weatherman did not deliberately forecast incorrectly, he did not do anything that qualifies for his loss of job.

  7. The same way a doctor keeps their job when someone dies.  You can only do the best you can do.  People only notice when the weather man is wrong.  How many times do you call for him to get a raise when he nails the temperature exactly?  

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