
How come there's always a big financial mess to clear up at the end of every Labour government?

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How come there's always a big financial mess to clear up at the end of every Labour government?




  1. It's going to be huge headache for the next Prime Minister

    (and that will be in the near future) and it will be us, Joe Public that will pay the bill.

    After 11 years of New Labour, they are still saying "the future looks bright", That's probably what Blair said when he left the sinking ship.

  2. The mess doesn't just lay in the hands of the government, it lays in the hands of the greedy and is a worldwide problem. Whichever government had got in would have faced the same situation. It is as much to do with the rest of the world and big business as it is to do with this little island.

    BTW. the conservatives didn't exactly leave a clean sheet for labour when they got ousted last time.

  3. Most Labour Politicians have had an  average education where as most  Conserative Politicians have attended top Public Schools such as Eton/Oxford/Rugby  ect  and therefore in theory have recieved a higher standard of education,it is also the case that others who have had a similar education will move in the same social circles and be able to assist their peers when necessary.

    This is called "THE OLD BOYS NETWORK"

  4. You have a short memory. Every time the Tories are ousted from power there is always a big shortfall in our budget.

    There is no one party that is financially prudent, all of them waste money on a huge scale, the Tories more so. They hide it tho, this lot in power are more deliberately  transparent.

  5. Talk to a socialist or a Labour voter about money and you'll soon see why. None of them ever know anything about economics or financial management, and that includes this government. Just like previous governments, this Labour administration has thrown huge amounts of taxpayers money at services, and now the economy is slowing down, suddenly there isn't enough tax to pay for it all and there's a huge black hole, which means the choices are borrow even more and hope things get better soon, tax people more to make up the difference, cut services, or print money. Since Labour won't cut services it will probably do a mixture of the other three.

  6. That is easy to answer!They run the country as they would run a Students Union!Pandering to that political protest faction here!Pandering to that political faction there!Go from one catastrophe here! And then go from one catastrophe there! And bingo! We have a recession!Which they blame on world events!Criminal!Isn't it??

  7. Because they couldn`t run a whelk stall.

  8. No government has ever saved for a rainy day, that is pure myth, their sole reason for pursuing any economic policy is with a view to being re-elected again.

    Thus every time a government gets kicked out it's because their economic policy has p***** the electorate off, so bye bye Labour, and this time it will probably be for good.

  9. because they all spend WELL beyond their means and expect the tax payer to cover it

  10. As others have said, it is the profligate spending and not preparing for a "rainy day" like we have at the moment.

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