
How come there are internet bully law's to protect minor children against harassment and ridicule, but the ?

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media, bloggers and sites like this are aloud to harass and ridicule Palins minor children. Why won't anyone stop them?




  1. That's just the nature of the internet beast.  It's a fairly new venue and childish-thinking people have to mature enough to be able to handle it without making off-the-cuff and harmfull statements that just pop into their immoral minds.

    Like most children, though, if you just ignore their little tantrums and they get little attention for them, they will give up and go on to the next toy.  I sincerely hope Bristol realizes not to take them seriously; in this free country, we have to take the good with the bad.

    to fdm215 - what happened with Obama's daughters?  I missed that.  Please elaborate your attempt to compare the situations.

  2. I totally agree, I will continue to report them when I see them.

    I just reported a question with a link to one of them. It happens to be illegal. Let's not forget that Bristol is ONLY 17. Please do the same report when you see.

  3. Having a child is an adult thing. She'll be 18 and a adult soon. Sorry, this won't work.

  4. You can't arrest somebody for expressing their views on the internet. If you would like to, then please just get off the internet. I like the internet free.

  5. Palin had that choice herself, she could have told McCain last week that she didn't feel the timing was right for her family.  No one would have cared if the daughter of the Governor of Alaska was pregnant.

    If it were the daughter of a liberal politician the word would be that she was brought up without morals and that they wouldn't allow this to happen.  Palin makes a point of making policy for the rest of us, based on her personal convictions, she wants to make laws based on those convictions, to ask that we not discuss the fact that her policy is so flawed that even in her own highly religious home, they didn't work and so shouldn't be something she insists on for the rest of us would be like sticking your head in the sand, which is pretty much what her policy on s*x ed is.

  6. The same could be said of Obama's daughter.  Were you as worried about them?

    Bristol is a pregnant 17 year old.  Her mother is running for vp. Its news.

  7. it depends on the website and there isnt just internet in general

    every website has its own rules

  8. Do you have proof that anyone here has made personal contact with Ms. Palin's children? I don't think you understand the term, "harassment."

  9. Youi raise a good point.  Mark Foley's conduct led to a Republican defeat in both houses of Congress, yet he was never charged with anything.

    But anything is fair game - including the harrasment of minors - when the Democrats' agenda of abortion on demand is at stake.  It has been well documented that Planned Parenthood routinely fails to report instances of statutory rape, as is required by law - they just perform the abortions and collect their fees.

    And I think the real reason that the Palin story gets to them is because it shows how a conservative family deals with an unplanned pregnancy.  Conservatives RESPECT LIFE, while liberals just take the cowardly way out and destroy the unborn child.  Funny how no one is saying "who will take care of the unborn child if the pregnancy is carried to term?", they typical question they ask when they run out of intellectual ammunition.  (As if terminating anyone society does not want is an option!)  The contrast between Obama's "punished with a baby" comment and the Palins' example could not be more clear.  As the child is born and grows, it will be a constant reminder that what conservatives consider precious liberals consider an inconvenience, or just so much garbage.  Yet they claim to be "for the children!"

    Ann Coulter often goes too far in her commentary.  but this week's events go a long way towards demonstrating her observation that to liberals, abortion is a sacrament.

    Sad indeed.

  10. The ones who are harassing children are the ones who rather have had them die in the womb in the first place, these are the sick people of society, they make a lot of noise to cover their own hideous composition.

  11. I switched to fox news. I couldn't believe the trash the media was talking.

    they try to talk like it is not them, but keep repeating the message over, and over.

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