
How come there arent?

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ANY/MANY Chinese people in Football. Like the NFL or NCAA. Chinese people can play sports im chinese i am the quarterback for my highschool team and i think im good.




  1. It's a racist thing. They just don't want anyone who isn't white out there. Unless they're black, or samoan, or latin. Or asian.

      Actually it's because there aren't that many asian players to choose from over all. You play QB for you're high school, how many other asians are on your team? How many of you do you think are good enough to play on a good College football program?

       look at it like it's a numbers game. 100,000 kids play football in high school all across the country. Only 10,000 of those kids make it onto a good college team. Of that amount only a few hundred will ever get a shot to play in the NFL, and remain healthy to do it. If only a few thousand of those original high schoolers are asian, what are the odds that they'll be the ones to survive the selection process all the way into the NFL?

       Asians are one of the smallest populations in the US. It's a sad fact, but true. Stands to reason that they wouldn't be a large amount of them represented.  

  2. its just a cultural thing there is no football in china

  3. Look im korean and i play strong safety and it does get annoying, when i startedi went through the same thing. but after i sacked every ball carrier and was good on my position they gave me some respect if you want respect you got to earn it and there looking to see if your a quitter so just keep at it

  4. you probably suck since you think you're good
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