
How come there is a gender/womens study category.....?

by  |  earlier

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and women receive lots of bashing from women-haters, yet there are no categories to question the behavior of inconsiderate males?




  1. Unfortunately, there are women who  bash all men for the crimes of some men and men who bash all women for the crimes of some women.

    It's kind of like being caught in the crossfire....I guess we are nothing more than collateral damage.

  2. "Pets"........LOL

  3. And there's a category to question the behavior of inconsiderate females? Man bashing goes on many of the forums in YA.

  4. Normal men and women don't align themselves with hate groups, any person who does align themselves with a hate group can expect to get "bashed".   lol

  5. there is plenty of man bashing on here as well. Though there are trolls whose one goal in life is to rile up women here. don't let them.

  6. We can question the behavior of inconsiderate males in any category we want!  However, I prefer to just avoid them.  I know they want me to waste my time caring about their inconsiderate-ness (otherwise why would they be so obvious about it?)  But really, ignore them and they'll go away is really a great solution for this problem.

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