
How come there is no video of the Steve Smith & Ken Lucas fight?

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Of all the training camp coverage there happens to be no video of what happened i mean come on theres hundreds of cameras and nobody catches it? Its bullcrap




  1. Maybe you should become a cameraman.......and you never start a question with "how come", it sounds rediculous.

    *I wasn't sure he was in, because I wasn't paying attention to the Hall of Fame those years.......because without Art Monk being in it, it didn't have much merit to me.

  2. LOlL pretty true, there's the Steven Jackson vs Atogwe fight, and Vince Young vs Nick something on youtube  

  3. There's no reason to record training camp, unless you're the Patriots.

    (who only record their opponents')

  4. idk

  5. It is just like the accident between Latrell Sprewell and coach P.J., it wasn't on video

    I know what you mean, but if you think about it, there is no reason to record training camp...

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