
How come there is only one picture of the Montauk Monster?

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Seriously no had a camera phone?!?!? I mean its 2008 and no one had a camera phone?




  1. Watching Fox News right now, and they are showing 3 different pictures of it. To me, it looks like a pit bull or some other similar dog. Some are saying it's a turtle, but it has fur on it, so that can't be what it is. It's definitely a mammal, look at the teeth and the snout (what's left of it) and it has dog-like ears. Looks like it has rope around it's forelegs which tells me that someone probably wanted to get rid of their dog by tying something heavy to it in order to drown it. If that's the case, this person deserves the same treatment!

  2. The Montauk Monster is a hoax.  A good one, but a hoax.  Only one picture after several people said they photographed it?

  3. Maybe the person who take the picture or anyone around didn't have the camera cellphone on the right time. I think it is a hoax, they tried to skinned a dog to make it look like a monster which to me is animal cruelty!!!! We have the best scientists, but why didn't they come and tell us what is that thing??? Maybe, an experiment gone wrong!!!! That is a mystery waiting to be solve!!!!

  4. Check out this new pic of the "thing"!

  5. i actually have seen another picture of it

    and yes it is a dead dog that appears to have it front paws tied together

    its really awful

  6. their kinda are 2 pics

    heres the link it looks  like a pig human hybrid

  7. you would think there would be tons of pictures of it.seriously if you found some strange animal washed ashore wouldnt you want to take some pics so you can find out what it was later.and dont you think maybe some scientist would do a DNA test by now.Now that i look at it again it kinda looks like it front paws/hoofs/whatever are tied together which means that some human most of done that cause animals cant really tie themselves up.

  8. Because any other picture (from a different angle) would have shown it for what it is: a dead dog with its skin/hair missing.

  9. theres a new picture :D

    go there and scroll down

    theres a ton of information!!!

  10. Theres actually three pictures.

  11. It can be identified, rather easily. It's a bloated, partially decomposed raccoon. The "hooked beak" is the exposed premaxillary bone. Look at a good picture and you can see the empty tooth sockets in the upper jaw. The news coverage of this has been an absolute circus. I saw it on CNN where they were showing the first photo of it to people on the street. As if Joe Clueless could identify it. Mysteriously, the reporters failed to consult a zoologist.

    It's a Raccoon and you can go here for an excellent break down of the identifying markers and a comparison of the carcass to a raccoon. You can also see a second photo taken of the animal that makes its true identity a lot more obvious.

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