
How come there is so little TV coverage so far of the GOP convention in comparison?

by Guest55896  |  earlier

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to the amount of coverage that was given to the democrat convention last week?




  1. Because it's boring and full of the same lies the American people have heard for the past 8 years.

  2. well that would mostly be because it hasn't really started yet.  Second of all, they only gave a couple small speaches that talked mostly about the hurricane, which everyone is already watching on tv.  Today they are starting up the full program and there will be much more coverage.  

  3. Because they delayed the convention due to Gustav. It starts tonight.

  4. The press doesn't have a rooting interest in this convention.

  5. I see PBS didn't give any coverage at all to the convention

    but last week on the 1st nite of the democrats

    they had 3 full hours of coverage

    go figure

  6. Several reasons probably.

    1)  Liberal leaning mainstream media

    2)  The nomination of a black person for president in a major party is historic, even if he never wins.

    3)  Gustav

  7. There wasn't really that much going on yesterday.  

  8. Because The GOP has conceded to those living in America.

  9. It only started yesterday, and was scaled back because of the hurricane. It is planned to pick up full speed tonight.

  10. The true test will be tonight and beyond. Last night there really was not much of a convention , they limited it because of the Hurricane

  11. In NYC -- 7 of the first 14 stations on the "cable dial" here.. carried Obama's speech. We noted that, in our family. We'll see what happens, when McCain speaks.

  12. They haven't had a convention to speak of, because of Gustav, or haven't you kept up with current events?

  13. Well so far the R.N.C. has been a dismal failure.  With all the no shows and especially from those that are considered the big names.  Together with the hurricane it would appear that the media has better things to do.

  14. I know what you mean, I can't figure . . . . zzzz . . . figure . . . zzzz . . .  

    Sorry.  I can't figure it out.


  15. You'd need to contact Fox News.

  16. cause it hasn't started yet due to Gustav. Tonight will be the first real night.

  17. The convention itself is only partly functioning due to Gustav

  18. What are you talking about?  Do you even watch the news?  Obviously not.  There has been plenty of coverage.  It's only the second day, get a grip!

  19. There weren't as many major competing news stories last week.  Yesterday we had a national holiday, a Catergory 3 hurricane make landfall in still recovering New Orleans, and a bombshell news item like the Republican VP candidate announcing that her unwed, teenage daughter is 4 months pregnant.  Also, the Republicans canceled many of their scheduled events yesterday because they didn't want to distract attention away from the people dealing with the hurricane.  There just wasn't as much news being made at the convention as there was in other places.  I guarantee you'll see much more coverage for the rest of the convention.

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