
How come there r less stars on the sky than before?

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When i was younger like 5 or 6 my hobby was to look at the sky at night and wondering how God can make such pretty things like stars...there were soo many i was always trying to count them but got really tired and i could never finish counting them and i promised myself that one day im gonna count all the stars on the sky...and yes now i am able because we have less stars but y????




  1. when you were 5 or 6, even if that was just  5 or 10 years ago, there wasn't much pollution in the sky. Now, if you live in the city, there is a lot of smog and evryting. If you go camping out in lyk the country or something, you will literally see like a billion stars..... so its not because the stars are going away..............

  2. It's a little bit from the nearby city lighting, as well as the added pollutants in the air reflecting that light.  It prevents you from being able to see as clearly.

    You'll probably still be able to see really good views like from your youth if you go out to places that are like in the middle of nowhere  


    This is the International Dark-Sky Association.  They fight light pollution so that your kids will still be able to see the stars one day.  

  4. There is much more ground light these days from an expanded (lighted) population. That raises the ambient background (light) level making it harder to see dim stars.

  5. you got old and your eyesight is shot ,common problem.......tom

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