
How come theres only been 1 black Nascar Driver?

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How come theres only been 1 black Nascar Driver?




  1. Wendell Scott and Bill Lester is more than one, I think there have been a couple more too.  I'll have too dig around and see what I can find.

    I see our troll is thumbs down happy.

  2. i dont know...........................i dont pay attention to race creed or gender

  3. Because KFC and  MD20/20  do not want to sponsor a race team

  4. There's been more than one.  It's not like you have a bunch of black aspiring Nascar drivers lined up.  Nascar even started a diversity program that has not produced any prominent black drivers.  Doesn't seem that the black community has much interest in Nascar.

  5. There's been several : Scott, Ribbs, and Lester to name a few.

    Didn't your screen name used to indicate that you were a Kyle Busch fan?  You may have jumped off that bandwagon a little prematurely.  lol

  6. Black people live in the city   city people dont watch nascar

  7. You guys mentioned Bill Lester and Wendell Scott, but you failed to mention Willy T. Ribbs.

    Willy was a NASCAR Winston Cup driver in the mid to late '80's, and was the first black to test a F-1 car.

  8. There has been Wendell Scott who won a race back in the sixties I think and Bill Lester who drove for Bill Davis Racing until just recently. The reason I think there are so few black drivers is that they're not as interested in NASCAR as they are other sports like football or basketball. However, I could be wrong.

  9. If there is talent, you will make it no matter what color you are.

  10. You think that's bad. There's no women. But then again there's no women football players either.

  11. Because al lthe others are white

  12. I think the fact that it's a sport rooted in the South has played a big part (duh).  It's only been in the past 20 years or so that it has somewhat  turned into a national thing.  It's still got that Souther flavor, though.  So if in the past a black driver wanted to start racing, he (or she) had to start in the South.  Not an easy thing to do.   However, if he (or she) wanted to play baseball or football, they could always relocate to a less hostile environment and go from there, something that was obviously not possible with stock car racing.  And so there's not a big racing tradition among blacks, and they have no black drivers to serve as role models in racing to get the ball rolling. Wendell Scott had it very hard.  When he won his only race, NASCAR told him that, no, someone else had won.  Later on that week they admitted they were wrong and gave him a crappy trophy. There was no press, no nothing.  The whole thing was done because NASCAR didn't want to ruffle feathers, and also didn't want to show a black race driver kissing the white trophy girl. I think it will happen eventually, but it will take a pretty long time.

  13. Where are all of the white guys in the NBA? Until someone starts to ***** about that, people can shut up about there being no blacks in NASCAR.

  14. How come oranges are orange?

    And there's been at least two, Wendell Scott and Bill Lester.

  15. Why aren't there any Chinese or Japanese Nascar drivers? Why is the sky blue? That's just the way it is. When a black guy with enough talent comes along, he might get a seat. There are only 43 seats (about 100 seats if you count the truck series & the Nationwide series) open every weekend and getting into one is extremely tough, keeping it even tougher. I've been around racing for over 20 years and can count the number of drivers I've seen at the track who weren't caucasian on both hands.

  16. well, the diversity programs have produced some diversity, just not up at the top levels ... yet.  marc davis from jgr seems poised to make some serious moves...

    McB, even though i hate to think this way, would you want to be a black driver who might accidentally run into somebody - maybe a popular driver from down south somewhere?  heck, jeff gordon was hated as a yankee who could "enunciate" (jeff foxworthy's bit, not mine), and rowdy's pretty pale and got threats galore...heck, even the intimidator, dw, sterling marlin, and rusty wallace all received death threats from the lunatic fringe for wrecking "their driver."

    ps. ChinaMin, you've never been to the south, have you? and i live in the city and i watch nascar.  i'm impressed that you were able to stereotype three large populations (blacks, "city folk," and nascar fans) all in one run-on sentence...

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