
How come those protesters at the RNC picked such losers to represent them?

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I was watching C-SPAN last week-end and they showed those anti-war protesters at the RNC. I couldn't believe it. I would be totally ashamed if those people were put forward to represent my ideas. Most of them looked like total losers, thugs, druggies and bag ladies. Their idiotic rants were lacking any semblance of rationality. For example Angel Buechner... Dear Lord, why would anyone want to listen and watch her on TV? She said something like "We need food, we're hungry"... and my imediate reaction was: oh no you don't, what you need is a whole lot of exercise. She's easily 100 lbs overweight, she's on wellfare... sounds to me like people on wellfare in the US live like kings compared to people in some other countries.

And then there was that demented rapper? How come they didn't have some speakers with a little bit of class, some logic, a decent speech, professional look?




  1. It was cheaper for the dems to hire them.

  2. Code Pink are hardly losers...

    They have infiltrated the RNC... what have YOU done lately?

    McCain is the loser... you'll see...

    And since when does the GOP consider "soccer moms" to be losers and bag ladies?  You have one running for VP, you know...

  3. Sadly, what you saw were the "cream of the crop".  

  4. How come the RNC picked such losers to represent them and run for president and vice president?

  5. Because they are typical of the Democrat party.

  6. You know, recently on the Jay Leno show, Jay Leno spoke about how America has become the nation of winjers and whiners....and he is right!  You ask as to why these people could not attract speakers with some class, or with a decent and professional look. One look at those people, and their disgusting acts of violence should have told you why.

  7. They looked and acted like losers because they are.  They're uneducated, unemployed, dope headed, misfits who have nothing to do but whine about their own specific selfish desires.  The don't care about anything as long as they can get their few minutes of fame or attention.  They contribute nothing to society except keeping the pot dealers and the meth dealers in business.  Most of us work for a living and these losers sit on their lazy butts and let us or their families support them and then whine because they have nothing.  Give me a break!

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