
How come titanic and britannic got wrected and now there famous!?!?

by Guest63643  |  earlier

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i just want to know why they are sooooooooooo famous




  1. Try to imagine every A-list celebrity you know boarding a ship, and three days later that ship sinks - killing many of them, turning some into heroes and others into cowards.  Add to that the stigma of the space shuttle disasters, but multiplied by about 50.  

    The sinking of the Titanic represented the end of an era, the end of our innocence and the end of mankind's technological arrogance.  Never again would mankind put all their trust in technology, confident it would reign supreme over the forces of nature.  As for the celebrity aspect, look at what a scandal Michael Jackson, Michael Vick and O.J. Simpson created.  Now if you combine them and multiply them by 100, you start to get somewhat of an idea of the scandal the sinking caused back then.

    As for the Britannic, she was famous by association with the Titanic, the fact that she sank so quickly, the fact that she is now the largest ocean liner on the ocean floor, and the fact that she never entered service with the White Star Line.  (She was requisitioned by the Royal Navy for use as a hospital ship before she was even launched.)  By the way, only about thirty people were killed in the sinking of the Britannic - either killed in the initial explosion, or when lifeboats were launched prematurely and were chopped to bits when they were sucked into the still-turning screws.

  2. The Titanic was famous for one reason, *********.

    The makers and builders said there was no possible way this boat would ever sink, it was indestructable.

    Well, you see how that worked out. The Britannica got so famous because it was made by the same maker, the White Star Line, and it was the Titanic's sister ship.

    There was also the Lusitania. It was sunken by a German submarine during WW1.

  3. i just want to know why you are soooooooooooooooooh cr-- at spelling

  4. Titanic...loss of life was about 1,500 ...

  5. because of the tragic amount of people that died while on those ships.  think about it. back then there was no internet or global news television. im sure other tragic things happened, but that was the most widely known event. thats why they were so famous.

  6. Try these websites:



    Olympic:  (Another sister ship of the Titanic).

  7. Due to the size, modernized (for the time) and the catastrophic disasters (and associated short sighted designs) they faced.

  8. Titanic was regarded as the "unsinkable ship" when it was first built, despite this title it sank on its maiden voyage killing over 1000 people.

    The Britannic, was built after the Titanic and had taken on board new measures to combat the possibility of another collision ripping through the ships hull.  Despite these measures the ship sank faster (at a rate of 6:1) than the Titanic.  Again over 1000 people lost their lives.

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