
How come tsunami's and cyclones never really hurt americas or europe?

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that is north and south america, canada, and most parts of europe.

It's US of A which has the highest rate of pollution in the world. And people in Burma pays for the global warming.

Is there a possibility such catasrophes can occur in America or Canada, with 100,000+ deaths?




  1. Yes my friend there will be in near 5 years. Europe will freeze out and America would suffer terrible storms. Due to global warming the ice in Greenland region and Canada is melting out. Ice is fresh water and sea is salt water. That region in sea (near America and Europe) bears the Great Conveyor Belt of warm currents. Fresh water does not sink and that is why that belt is slowly dieing out an it would cause that regions to freeze. Sadly     for us, regions near Asia coastline would start sinking too.  

    If you have doubts feel free to contact me:

  2. Questions like this are why Yahoo should implement an intelligence filter.

    America won't suffer anything like this simply because there aren't huge populations of indigent Americans living at sea level with no evacuation capabilities.

    China and India are far worst polluters than the USA now.

  3. I sure hope you've learned something from all the intelligent answers you've gotten so far with a question that shows how little you know about the planet you live on.

  4. We have Hurricanes hit the US every year, however our country is better equipped to handle these events.  By the way the US has done a lot to clean up,  Some of the great lakes were terribly polluted and have been cleaned up.  Can we do more? of course,  frankly this blame the United States for everything crowd gets old.

  5. Depends.  America and other places have had their share of disasters. Everything from floods, hurracanes, wild fires, earthquakes, snow storms, terrorist attacks, and tornadoes.  None of these factors are caused by global warming.  The Earth's atmopshere is always being cooled and heated by the sun.  Something's gonna blow somewhere.  

    The tragedy in Myanmar is bad, but what happened was simply the conditions were right for a big storm and people living in tight quarters with so many in one area.

  6. the southern US sees hurricane season as well

    & in the mid US there's the tornado season

    the death count is totally dependent on the warning time as well as the the landscape and building construction

    if everyone in Florida lived in thatch huts & had no TV / Radios etc there'd be just as many dead from the next hurricane as on the other side of the world.


    ( «►RfD◄» )

  7. Because they have a different name for them.  A cyclone is a hurricane (it takes the same conditions for them to form).  Mans history is relatively short when you compare it to nature.  So what happens in places this century may happen somewhere else in the future.  It's the Earth baby, it is subject to change all the time and we ain't seen nothing yet.  It is 100% possible these things will happen here, there, and everywhere.

  8. First off, tsunamis have nothing to do with global warming. Second, America has cyclones but they are called hurricanes. A better standard of living in the US allows citizens in the path of a hurricane better forewarning and more opportunity to get out of its path.

  9. Your question makes no sense at all.

    What do you think Katrina was?

    Cyclone is a term which is used to describe a large low pressure weather system.

    The term cyclone covers hurricanes(formed in the Atlantic), typhoons(formed in the Pacific), and tropical cyclones(formed in the Indian or West Pacific oceans).

    Many hurricanes have hit the USA since the beginning of time!

    In 1987, a major hurricane struck the UK, Portugal, Spain, and France, causing many people in the UK to be without power for two weeks.

    Tsunamis are caused by seismic activity, and have nothing to do with weather patterns at all!

    The west coast of the USA has had tsunamis in the past also.

    One tsunami(also called a tidal wave), occurred in 1962 which struck southern California.

    This was caused by a large earthquake in Alaska.

    The list could go on.

    Also pollution does not cause 'Global Warming'.

    It is an issue to be addressed for the local environment, and much more can be done to minimize our impact on our local environment.

    I would suggest that you try to learn some basic science, and not just believe what BS is being fed to you.

  10. From '':


    The name for a tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 74 miles per hour (65 knots) or greater in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. This same tropical cyclone is known as a typhoon in the western Pacific and a CYCLONE in the Indian Ocean.

    Tsunamis primarily occur as a result of seismic activity (primarily underwater).  Our west coast has.... in years past....suffered the effects of tsunamis.

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