
How come us atheists know the truth about life?

by  |  earlier

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Is it a result of chance that we're super-duper in every way? Is that why we 'get it'?




  1. so what tell me what is the truth about life?

  2. Do you?  Perhaps you are just an arrogant atheist or just afraid to admit that something is far far bigger than you can ever understand  

  3. This guy's failed underhanded stab at freethinkers is kinda obvious; he's resorted to the childlike "atheists are dumb and smelly" argument. You make a strong point my friend, atheists do tend to pick their noses. Chalk one up for god!

  4. Ok...

    I hope I'm not hurting your feelings...

    but the Fireball-duplicate is a lot more funny than you...

    (you're funny too... but you know... it's not tickling my senses)


  5. You are delusional.

  6. We have the magical powers of the Doctor. Aren't we lucky?

  7. get lost troll.

    some christian you are.

  8. I think, through discussion, knowledge, wisdom and meditation or self awareness one can know the truth of the self, which will open the door to know the truth of life.

  9. if I didn't know better, I'd swear that this was Jimbo reincarnated.

  10. Open minded and not closed in a book.

  11. ummm, no.

  12. How come theists always argue how we're so intelligent we must be created, yet they're always the first to jettison the intellect and resort to "Goddidit"?

  13. No, it's more likely a product of our environment.

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