
How come volleyball is a more popular sport amoung girls?

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i like playing volleyball but theres not a lot of guys who play it.




  1. well i think its great that u love it! u could try and ask the girls coach if ur allowed to play on the girls team(even if its not what u exactly had planned but hey its all about the sport right?) or play club volleyball they have guy teams too.

  2. I would say that most of the reason why it is more of a girl sport than boy sport is a lot of high schools and middle schools have other male dominating sports going on in the same season.

    One sport in the midwest that is played during the Mens volleyball season is Baseball and the season is also right after basketball season so sometimes men might want to rest up after a more popular season.

  3. its more popular among girls because its naturally a girls sport... just like football is naturally a guys sport

  4. i think it's because everyone sees volleyball as the game you play at barbacues and don't understand that's it is very physically demanding and such so the catorgorize it as a girl sport i wish my highschool had a boys team cause thet would be so cool

  5. It may be true that volleyball is more popular among girls in the U.S. but it may not be so else where.  It couldn't have become the 2nd most popular sport in the world if only girls were playing it.  Many countries in Europe, South American, and Asia have pro-volleyball leagues and mens games draw more attraction.

    Whoever says volleyball is 'naturally a girls sport' doesn't know anything about volleyball.  Volleyball is a power sport.

    Especially, mens' games involve players jumping around 40" vertical, spiking at over 100mph, digging such hits at short distance, diving, jump-serving.......etc.

    It is a great sport just overshadowed by other games.

  6. B/c only girls and g*y men play the sport.

  7. Because of the preconceived notion that MoMo just stated, in conjunction with other sports that are more popular at the same time during a school season. Another simple factor is the way the sport is promoted. I remember back when I was in high school, I don't even remember hearing about volleyball tryouts. I had to seek them out, and at that point we didn't even have a team, just boys Intramurals.

  8. Girls like the sport because there isn't a lot of physical contact (actually closer to none at all), they HAVE to cheer, and most of the time you and your team are best friends.  It's our way of being powerful without having to hurt someone in the process.  Another thing is that one person alone is never blamed for a mistake the team made, the only person who can mess with your head, is yourself.  

    Girls have to work at it more than guys, but they are Way more efficient.  Guys tend to be naturally good at it, but they have horrible technique.

  9. Volleyball is played in the US in almost every junior high, high school and college by women.  There are very few men's teams at those same schools.  Title IX was mentioned above.  That is the reason it started that way.  Unfortunately, another reason that there are a lot of people that "THINK" it is a girl's sport.  I am not one of them.  I used to play.  I have even had the honor of being a line judge for the USA men's team when they play near Houston.  I can tell you that I was worried when the blocker missed an assignment and there was nothing between me and the hitter.  They even hit the ceiling with a spike during the warm ups.  After it bounced off the floor.  And the ceiling was about 40 feet high.  Not bad for men playing in a girl's sport.  

    I would also have to agree with another statement above.  Everywhere else in the world, there are many opportunities for men to play.

  10. Because girls look way better in the little shorts the hand out

  11. I play volleyball too

    but highschools and colleges have a rule that they have to offer the same number of sports to guys as girls

    so guys can have swimming lacrosse baseball weightlifting and football

    girls can have swimming cheerleading (which is NOT a sport but can be classified as one so theyll quit whinning) volleyball softball and weightlifting

    Equal oppurtunity dude live with it

  12. girls just have more fun then the guys do in volleyball. basketball is more for the guys to do then girls. girls also have more interest in it.

  13. ooo I would love to meet a boy volleyball player. we could train together...Yeah, my school doesn't even have a boys team.

  14. bcuz its mainly  a girl sport hjust like softball. Its more popular cause of the whole like object of the game, and wat u wear. guys usually play beach volleyball

  15. Volleyball is a very demanding and rough sport! Us girls that play it are rough and tough. The guys had to make a sport for girls becuase that did not want us showing them up on the football field!

  16. Most people think that Guy sports are Football and Baseball, and Girls are Soccer and Volleyball. But i think guys don't like it because they're not really good at it and they just fool around in it.

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