
How come we have double standards between men and women and..?

by  |  earlier

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We all can agree there are clear differences between men and women. I was watching the news today and its finally been confirmed after wasting how many tax dollars and a drawn out trial that Debra Lafave is getting off under the "Bi-polar and beautiful" defense. Meanwhile if it was a male they would "lynch". It got me thinking of other differences. Girls have "Sweet 16" parties. There are self esteem booster classes. If a woman calls rape, they automatically take the woman's word until they investigate. Yet in spite of all this.. women are still crazy. Why does gender have anything to do with preferential treatment. And don't tell me that women are weaker and more delicate, because I know many that could kick my azz if I did them wrong, and I'm a big man.




  1. As a man you are expected to be tougher in all aspects of life than a woman, and you are expected to complain less. Stop complaining about double standards before people start to see you as weak. Accept your role as a man. Nobody ever said life was fair.

  2. Heh...I like how you only mentioned the double standards that disadvantage men, while failing to mention the multitude of double standards that affect women negatively...

    Anyway, I think double standards, regardless of who they affect, are always a bad thing.  The reason we have them is because our society still focuses too much on a person's traits--skin color, gender, age, religion--rather than who the person IS.  We still have gender roles, which are a detriment to a modern society.  Thankfully, they are gradually disappearing.

  3. LOL, just like a man to only mention a few of the double standards that puts the men at a disadvantage, while ignoring the multitude of disadvantages a woman must endure on a daily basis... tsk tsk tsk, you poooorrrrrr thaaaaannnnngggggg! =>

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