
How come we know more about palin in 6 days than we do about obama in 10 months?

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can you say MEDIA BIAS?...




  1. Media bias??  You're kidding, right?

    The media is heavily tilted in favor of Democrats (liberal bias), with the exception of maybe Fox News.

    Perhaps Obama is just a lot of talk with nothing substantial to say that makes him a mystery.  Al you hear him say is change change change, with no explanation of what specifically he is going to change or how he plans to change it.

  2. Palin has no reason to hide.  Obama can't even share his real birth certificate.  

    And how about his half brother that you hear nothing about?  He lives in Africa in a hut on about a dollar a day.

    Can you hear Barack say to his brother- let him pull himself up by his boot straps--oh wait -he has no boots--talk about hypocrisy.His name is George Hussein Onyango Obama - he lives in a hut - his brother is running for president.

    Why isn't the media all over this?????

  3. Palin's life is more interesting..

  4. Palin came right out and gave honest answers to questions. Obama is still trying to figure out how to answer questions that are above his pay grade.  

  5. Because she has a pregnant daughter and she is not qualified to be a VP and all of that equals GOSSIP

  6. Yes, I sure can and boy has it ever been in Mcsames's favor, look it up .  When he accused the media of it a few of them did  research and and it was ridiculous how favorable they've been towards to him.  Stop trying to snow people, we  are up on current events, or most of us are.

  7. Yep good point.  

  8. You've got that right.  They keep saying she wasn't vetted well enough, I'm still waiting for someone to vet Obama at all.

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