
How come we still it at fast food places?

by Guest62186  |  earlier

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Why eat at fast food places?... for ex.. mcds?.. why eat there if we know its bad for our health?




  1. That is an easy question. Because it is very convienent and tastes good. If we don't eat things just because they are unhealthy we would all be eating salads and fish all the time. You can eat fast food without a problem if it is done in moderation.

  2. It taste good but is very bad for your health and weight. Try Subway. They are very good and low in calories.

  3. it tastes good!!!!!! u can never get enuf of it!!!!

  4. cause the food is so good [except for mcdonalds] i swear they put something in the food that just makes you wanna come back again and again no matter how much you tell yourself it's bad for you and that you won't although some strong minded people can pull through this temptation.

  5. Its not all bad I mean even MCDonalds has salads and fruit an yogurt. Also coffee, tea, fish sandwiches, eggs,and Milk.

  6. Because people need to wake up and smell the roses. We don't appreciate ourselves.

    I think when ppl get serious life threathening diseases that's when they'll be sorry for eating that stuff.

    I rather eat healthy and not be crippled with diseases.

    I love cooking. All you need is some basic things in your pantry such as rice, beans,tomato sauce, some fresh fruit and veggies, and you can make really good meals in minutes.

  7. because its goooood, fast, and cheap!

  8. Because we are too lazy to make our own food or sometimes we don't have the time

  9. because it is sooooooooooooo good and addicting

  10. The American population eats at fast food places because they are so busy picking up the kids, going to work, and scambling to practice that they dont have time to get food anywhere else

  11. its grab and go thats why.

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