
How come we were the only ones to evolve to be intelligent life forms, and other animals did not?

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Check mate atheists! Come on, tell me!




  1. Bingo!

  2. Might I suggest you read the March 2008 National Geographic magazine article, "Inside Animal Minds?"

    In it, you will find a parrot named Alex who coined his own term for apples. He calls them "ban-nerries" because they look like cherries and taste like bananas to him.

    There's Kanzi the bonobo (chimp-like ape) who spontaneously taught himself English, so that he could communicate with humans. He chatters in a high trilling that is being studied to see if he may be attempting to actually speak English.

    Those are only 2 examples. Read the article, you may learn something.

  3. That's actually misleading...

    We aren't the only intelligent life on the planet, we're the only "tool" using primates...Dolphins and Whales have intelligence (and also a wonderful form of poetry), and most primates have some intelligence (KoKo, a gorilla,  can speak in sign language, and can even work with some symbolic concepts)

    So, we aren't the only intelligent life on this planet.

  4. We are not that smart for example you have idiotic logic you think you have proved a point with a quote that shows you as uneducated and ignorant. Do you know the odds of mutation it is a miracle indeed that people have got to this stage but rape murder and war shows we have a long way to go. All animals have evolved the fact we have evolved to have large brains is great but you need to use yours more effectively

  5. Whales don't seem to spend their days in front of TV's, working for a living, worrying about pay or if there is going to ba another war.

    We think we're so advanced - and are nearly causing our own extinction as well as that of our food supply - go figure.

    On another note - who caused all the nuclear blasts on earth 8000 years ago ? - and why were the Egyptian gods looking more like genetic experiments than humans?

  6. depends on how you define intelligent..... heck even monkies use tools.  

    Otcopi can learn on theirt own how to open a jar...

    birds have learned how pull levers to get food....

    we are the only species to have figured out how to kill thousands withthe push of a button.....and you call humans intelligent....

  7. We did NOT evolve - we were created !

    Webster's Dictionary defines religion as follows, "Cause, principle or system of beliefs held with ardour and faith." Surely this is an apt description of evolution. Evolution is a 'belief system' i.e. a religion !

    Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But, the beliefs that these models are built on are not. The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (religion) of evolution that is the basis for scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is a religion to which they are commited. Christians need to wake up to this.

    Evolution is a religion, not a science.



  8. we were created in God's image! God created us special! and um.. we didnt evolve. i mean i dont believe in evolution.

  9. LOL..Dolphins never use nukes,, The Animal kingdom does not yet have the ability to wipe out all forms of life,,with the push of a button,,

  10. Because Evolution is a sham.

  11. We got here first, and we've been highly successful at killing off anything that comes near us, historically speaking. Quite simple.

    Call checkmate if you want kiddo, we're playing poker here, so eat my royal flush.

  12. Because some of the first upright-walking, terrestrial primates -- in other words, the direct ancestors of human beings -- were lucky enough randomly to develop oversized brains.  Outwitting enemies turned out to be more successful than outfighting them or outrunning them.

    Other animals that already had better weapons didn't manage to survive any better with oversized brains; so whenever the mutation occurred in them, it was diluted.  But in our ancestors, where only large-brained individuals got a chance at procreation, it was reinforced.

  13. Don't give up the day job for a career in chess, you really stink at it.

    No other species started with as much intellect as our ancestor species did, and none needed it to compensate for other, physical, skills that they lacked.

    Our brains still cannot outrun a cheetah. But, once we build a jeep, and a tranq gun, we can defend ourselves against a cheetah.

    Why didn't your fictional sky pixie want to have ALL his creatures be intelligent ? Check mate ! Back atcha.  

  14. Why do you believe that humans and humans alone have the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience. Anyone living in close proximity to other animal species would know that they too can achieve these things (which by the way are all definitions of intelligent behavior).

  15. Evolution is junk science. It is studied along with Global Warming, and Aliens.

  16. Because evolution is a myth.

  17. One theory is that there was another intelligent being, the Neanderthals.  They died out, but had larger brain cavities than we did.  According to the theory, we survived because we were pack animals and they were not.

    Basically we competed through natural selection and won.  This idea also implies that two intelligent beings could not live side by side, at least not early on.

  18. That's what we like to think. In fact intelligence is found in many species, it's just that WE think it's intelligent to make iPods and laugh at Frasier. Dolphins don't agree. Now it turns out even magpies can recognize their reflection in a mirror. Just how special are we supposed to be?

  19. Dolphins.

    I don't think you were actually playing Chess.

  20. Other animals didn't evolve a stupid body type that requires more intelligence to keep alive.  

  21. Intelligence is a continuum.  We just happen to be the most intelligent animals on this planet.

    Some of us more than others...

  22. How come Elephants have 10 times the brain size but we are 10 times smarter?

  23. Many animals, particularly mammals, have intelligence. We just happen to be the most intelligent. Why? Because in our case developing advanced cognitive skills was a major evolutionary advantage.

    In other species, cognitive ability wasn't so important, so it didn't develop to the same level as in humans. For example, in cheetahs the ability to run fast proved a major advantage, so that's one of the features they developed to a high level. In giraffes it was height, in stick insects it was camouflage. The list goes on. Cognitive ability is to us what speed is to a cheetah.

    Another important factor, believe it or not, is thumbs. We probably developed opposable thumbs to aid in climbing and foraging, but they later proved to be an advantage in another unique way; they enabled us to pick up objects and use them as tools. This acted as a catalyst for our intellectual evolution. The more intelligent we became, the more advanced the tools we could make and use. The more skilled we were at using tools, the more likely we were to survive and pass on our intelligence genes. In this way, intelligence became a major evolutionary advantage, and over millions of years it evolved to its current level.

    Incidentally, there are other animals with opposable digits (or some practical equivalent). Many are among the most intelligent in the animal kingdom; orang-utans, chimpanzees and gorillas have opposable digits. Octopi don’t, but functionally have similar abilities to animals that do. It’s not unreasonable to believe that one of these species could evolve into a highly intelligent being over the next few million years (assuming we don’t render them extinct first, of course).

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