
How come when I'm dehydrated I can't sleep??

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How come when I'm dehydrated I can't sleep??




  1. Dehydration causes some pretty disturbing changes in your body, muscle cramps and twitching among them.  

  2. Your bodie's need of thirst quenching is keeping you from getting a good nights sleep. I keep a gallon of water next to my bed, and usually drink half of it throughout the night.

  3. WTF THAT GUY ACTUALLY WENT ON WIKIPEDIA TO CHECK FOR AN ANSWER OMG WHAT  A LOSER.. YOU DONT GET PAID TO BE A "TOP CONSTRUCTOR".. anyways to answer your question i get dehydrated in bed... remember you might not be thirsty but if your mouth is dry its very hard to sleep... keep drinking until your mouth is very hydrated so you won't even think about it. sometimes i have to eat and get full to have a good sleep

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