
How come when I ask a question that challenges Conservative Republican beliefs, people always ?

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have a smart "Christian" moral remark, but when I bring valid points up challenging their " morals" they have a problem with that?

Including views on Abortion, Politics etc?




  1. Example?  

  2. Yes, most gangs only want people to follow instructions.  Intimidation and insults are successful ways they shut others up.  It must be why us tolerant and informed people know what is going on are called liberals.

    Most of the leaders are nay thing but moral thats why they have such strict codes of ethics to hide behind the peole following that are good, its like believing in god to say anything wrong with the wrong

  3. Republican, moderate conservative, not involved with any organized religion - I doubt I have ever based an answer on a "Christian moral remark." How can you challenge a person's morals? Of course people are going to get upset when you challenge their core beliefs - I suspect you would also.

    You know what they say about politics and religion.......

  4. I wouldn't know unless you gave an example.  Possibly because you stereotype people which is ignorant.

  5. DC, I'll take that as a compliment..  Thanks!

    I have no problem with anyone asking about my beliefs.  Guess I haven't stumbled upon one of your questions.

  6. Probably learned how to play the victim like liberals

  7. How about some examples and we can help to clarify your thinking.  I used to be a McGovern liberal.

  8. don't make this one sided!!!!!!!

    liberals dems don't like being challenged either

    you need to vote libertarian!!!!!!

  9. why do you think that when you try to tell someone that their deepest beliefs are wrong they are gonna say, "oh! thank you, you're right! what was i thinking?"  if someone said the same thing to you, you would be pissed also.... welcome to the real world, my name is COMMON FREAKING SENSE, GET SOME.

  10. Try again and I'll watch for your questions.

  11. Because so many of them are closet homosexuals like Senator Craig who always want to lecture others as to why homosexuality is bad. It's kind of like being lectured to by Mr. Garrison of South Park.  

  12. Imagine if I said how come when I ask a question that challenges democratic liberals beliefs, people always come back with "Your a racist"

    "Your a homophobe" "You hate people that were raped and don't want the child" "You hate other religions"

    I bring up valid points challenging THEIR morals yet they accuse me of all of the above, and h**l I am not even an evangelical, I am a moderate conservative! and they still ask these pending questions lmao.

  13. Because most Conservative Republican's have their views due to their religion  

  14. When you say ALWAYS then you have stated an absolute, which is rarely a reality, and often a sign of a bigoted approach.

    Now, some Republicans are religious zealots who put belief ahead of facts in a kind of group think mentality. Many of those favor Huckabee, and you won't find a more ignorant group of bone heads, even among democrats.

    Now, the democrat "movement" has become haven to some real nut bars as well. They have more of a religious level affiliation to their cause than they would like to think, much like the religious zealots, it's become their main sense of being and the party is pretty much a god to them, and republicans an evil which can equate to the devil. Watch them try to answer questions, they can't really answer in depth a question like how do progressive policies achieve the stated progressive goals? Using cause and effect, they just can't explain it factually, and get angry and frustrated when you keep asking that.

    How do they square Obama's tax policy raising taxes because "we just can't afford to keep the tax cuts in our situation" when the reality is proven through empirical evidence (it's been done) that raising taxes ends up decreasing revenues, and every single tax cut has resulted in higher revenues? Why raise taxes if it's going to lower revenues as it always does? Watch them try to deny that one, though the history has already verified that fact in real situations every time it's occured. They get really angry, know they can't be wrong, but they are ... so they just bluster and change the subject and call you something like the old stand by, racist, or talk about Rush Limbaugh or Fox News, anything but really dealing with the proven truth of it. The truth is that democrats gain power by controlling resources, and don't really like a booming economy. I know, I know, what about the great Clinton economy? Well, it was supported by a huge tech bubble based on zero value in assets, just hot air, which burst while he was still in office, it wasn't real. His projected tax surplus democrats talk about? The projection was a joke in the first place, and it never happened. They blame Bush, who had just taken office, as if the economy went bad because it didn't like Bush because he was bad or something, not because of the cause and effect of what had actually been done, and really lead up to the situation. For effects to ripple through the economy takes at least months, if not years. You have effects on spending, business investment, jobs consumer habits of those with better jobs and the building on those things, or the opposite like tax hike, more risk for business, less new investment, stagnation, people start getting laid off, getting not so great jobs, spending less, that affects business and the cycle repeats for a long time before it stablizes to a point, years later. To democrats if the president is in office when it occures then it's his fault, which is really stupid and totally factually flawed, but they still hang on to that obviously flawed argument and it can't be because they really believe it, it's because supporting the home party is more important than truth, because the other guys are evil and only bad can come from them. So a lie in support of "good" is a good thing to a democrat zealot or group of them, who've taken the whole thing to a religious group think level. And Hey, all the others in the group support that c**p, so it can't be wrong, right? That's how it goes, and how it goes all wrong and the democrats get away with spreading idiocy and their followers buy it and take it home, even support it, against all logic.

  15. They think they are superior in moral and in their race so to speak.

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