
How come when I try to tell Catholics everyone is equal, they dis agree?

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I can see if I said that I was greater than everybody or something. But I always say that Mary and I are equal, she isn't greater than me, and I'm not greater than her. But they disagree, why is this when I'm promoting equality?




  1. Did you give birth to the son of your god? No? That's why they disagree with you.

    And again, I feel I must shout sexist.

    By the way, I was raised Catholic, and I was always told by my family that I shouldn't pray to Mary and shouldn't treat like a lot of Catholics do. ;)

    Edit It's because you're always showing it. You've said before you hate the idea of Mary or any goddesses being put on a pedestal. I honestly can't think of a reason for that besides sexism? Not to mention your worship of Paul.... because Paul was a misogynist.

    It's not as obvious in this question, besides the fact you seem to have a problem with Mary.

  2. they don't believe in equality, they believe that their religion is the best.

  3. You would respect their faith. Are they asking you to change yours?

  4. Lion, that would be like me saying to you, "I am equal with Jesus."

    It's just against your beliefs.

    Get over it.


  5. If we are are equal; why do we each have different talents(Matt.25) , and apparently quanitity of talents?

  6. why do you always have to stereotype catholics. did you put them all in one room and ask them. in catholic faith mary gave birth to jesus who we regard as above us. we give mary the respect by saying she is greater than us for what shees done not because of the colour of her skin or her race. yes you are technically equal but she is greater for what she has done

  7. We don't consider people above others in the eyes of God. But there are some people who have experienced more of the glory and grace of God. Those people are Mary and the saints.

    As with so many Protestants you can't pry yourself away from the idea that it isn't about Mary, it's all about Jesus. All that happened to Mary, all that she was and did, points us to Jesus. There was nothing more special about her than you in terms of value, but God chose to give her an amazing gift. He chose to prepare her to carry his Son, to be the Mother of his Son, and to be the first disciple of Christ.

    Mary's honor is not to her as a better person, but to the role she had in the plan of salvation.  

  8. If all humans are equal, then I am equal with my boss, therefore, I give myself a raise!

  9. Christianity and equality go together like water and oil.

  10. All generations call her blessed..

    You are blessed too, just not for the same reason.

  11. No there is no equality. The greater you are depends on the grace you have in you. Did you give birth to God? Would Satan be equal to Mary, would he be as pleasing to God as his own Mother? So likewise get humility and humble yourself before you start saying you are as great as the Mother of God.  

  12. <<How come when I try to tell Catholics everyone is equal, they dis agree?>>

    Perhaps you are defining the term 'equal' differently than Catholics do?

    <<I can see if I said that I was greater than everybody or something. But I always say that Mary and I are equal, she isn't greater than me, and I'm not greater than her. But they disagree, why is this when I'm promoting equality?>>

    You share equality in human dignity with Mary.

    Acknowledging Mary as the greatest of Saints is not an affront on your dignity as a human being. What is DOES do is say something about Mary's place in Salvation History as well as the Kingdom of Heaven. Truth is, she's placed higher than you are. Again, that's no affront to your dignity, it's just Truth.

    Mary is unique as the Mother of God; the Immaculate Ark of the New Covanent; Our; & Queen of the New Covanent Kingdom.

    How can we properly discern our own place in the Kingdom if we do not properly discern the place of others in the Kingdom?

  13. Because it goes back to God and he's the numero uno slave master. Any of his underlings are first generation hatchling slave masters. Isn't hierarchy beautiful?

  14. I'm sorry, but you're simply not equal to Mary and neither is anyone else.  I know this because God Himself chose her (and not you or anyone else) to be the mother of the Savior of mankind.

  15. People from different religions are only telling what they have learnt from their religion. In a lot of religions it is taught that certain beings are better or greater than us. I feel that they are missing many of the points that teach us that we all have the same capability for greatness. I feel teaching that others are greater only serves to keep people down. In stead if we all focused on the Divine in everything and everyone, including ourselves then we would be empowering all to be their greatest.

  16. In a sense Mary was just like us today, although she received God's saving grace at the moment of her conception.  She needed a savior- Jesus, who gave her the grace that all of us hope to one day receive when we enter heaven.  

  17. If everyone was equal in every way then we'd all be the same and utterly boring. We should have equal rights, until we do something to make us deservant of losing them. Other than that, some of us are clever, some dumb, some pretty, some ugly.... etc. etc. Not equal.

    And it can technically work the other way round. You can be kind, loving, hard working and act like a Saint.... and that would make you a superior person to the nasty, lazy, couch potato....

  18. they disagree about everything.

  19. I think it is because you talk about men being in charge a lot. But that's ok. Because I know what you mean. The man should be the held of the house hold spiritually. Dont worry about them. No one is higher than anyone else.

  20. Inasmuch as you and Mary are human... I agree. We are all equal in the eyes of God. I am Catholic.

  21. Catholics consider saints above ordinary humans and Mary above most of the saints in holiness.

  22. You were cuter when you were crushing on Paul.

    And since the majority of your questions are about how men have more "rights" in Christianity because they are the heads over women, how does THAT promote equality?  Or are you only about equality when it has to do with Catholics?

    Regardless of WHO said what, it's still anti-equality, Sparky.  Sorry, you've been very, very busted.

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