
How come when I use mail search it only shows me results up until April? I cannot find anything current.?

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I've looked in advanced search. I've tried to refine search results. I figure I'm doing something wrong, btu I don't know what. When I search by a person, I do see their name on the left, but when I click on it, again it only shows me results up to April and nothing current




  1. I had exactly the same problem which I finally got solved a few weeks ago.

    For some reason Yahoo had stopped indexing my email, so nothing was found whenever I searched for an email. I could enter my email address as the search term and the system would still return "no emails found." The fix was simple - but not easy.

    Step 1. Find a live tech (that was the hard part) - it took weeks. Submitting questions through Yahoo Customer Care  only got me answers from a robot responder program - answers that were always irrelevant and ignored the the information in the question. I finally found a phone number that I was able to call in on - unfortunately, their free call in phone service has been stopped.

    Step 2. Tell them the problem. If my suggestion (bad or missing index) is correct, they can move your account from one server to another. This will automatically re-create the index for your email - and should solve the problem (at least semi-permanently; if this problem is associated with just a few servers going bad - OK, maybe more permanently. But it seems wide-spread and has been reported numerous times over the months - I'm suspicious that Yahoo's indexing software need revision - I'm guessing it occasionally finds something it can't index and dies for a given account. Or possibly email headers are getting corrupted - causing search to croak. I don't know what the underlying problem is).

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