
How come when an american soldier kills or rapes iraqis...

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it gets hushed up by media, but when a solider gets kiled by a roadside bombing it makes headline news.

not saying all soldiers are bad, my brother is muslim and he is in iraq too but he gets both cruelty from his american comrades and iraqi natives.




  1. so where, exactly, did you hear about the American soldier's crimes...?

  2. I think that you are assuming that American soldiers are raping and pillaging 24 hours a day in Iraq right now and wonder why don't you hear more stories like that.  This makes you think that there is some kind of cover up because these imaginary stories that you think exist are not being published.  It never occured to you that there might not be anything to cover up in the first place.  

  3. They have to wait on the reporters to return to the states to testify against the soldiers.

    As a Muslim, you'd know it would take at least two witnesses or it didn't happen.  The word of a woman's only that of half a man as well.

  4. If it gets hushed up by the media, how do you know? If liberal media had any dirt on our troops believe me they would print it ASAP.

  5. Check out the link below for some soldiers who raped and killed a 14-year old Iraqi girl.  From what I've personally seen the media has a vendetta against troops and wants to make us look like we are loosing.  You never hear about schools being built or anything similar but you always hear about negative things.  A few months ago an E-6 was sent home for shooting a Koran at a range for his safety and the safety of his unit.  But he was reprimanded and may never see E-7, ever.  Trust me, when we do wrong in Iraq it is punished.  It might not make the news either because it isn't newsworthy or because it is something the insurgents will use as an excuse for their crimes or as a recruiting tool.  Look what happened after Abu Ghraib; I believe someone got beheaded right after the photos were leaked.

  6. actually, when american soldiers raped and killed those innocent iraqis about a year ago, it was headline news for a good 2 weeks.  And those soldiers were punished.  I dont know what you are talking about.  A soldier was just sentenced to life in prison the other day for raping a japanese girl.  and that was all over the news. do you even read the news?  

  7. The few times it has happened the media has been all over it.. and the reason they publish US Deaths at all is to make the Current Admin look bad, to strengthen the erroneous claim that things are going badly. Keeping that in mind, they def publish every time we f**t, what more break the Law.

  8. You have it completely backwards.  If there is a rape or civilians killed, that is headline news, not when we are killed by cowardly insurgents planting ied's.  You are not seeing the same news i do.

  9. I believe that you are getting your news from the wrong source.  Choose a more centrist news source such as PBS or NPR and I believe you will find that there are stories about soldiers who have committed crimes and have been charged and convicted for their crimes.

  10. because the iraqis took all the goats!

  11. Well, there always a court of law and it might take longer than usual to prosecute.  

  12. Why dont we see any pictures of flag draped coffins?  We have almost 5,000 soldiers dead and the only pictures released are "leaked".

    Why didnt we see ALL of the Abu Ghraib torture pictures?  Even after "Freedom of information" requests, the only people to see them all were members of the government.

    Now we ask why the media isnt paying more attention to rapes?  Cmon....think of who you are dealing with!  Of course Iraqis are being raped.  So are female troops!   By troops and contractors as well!

    This "isnt news" because the news organizations self censor the way that the government wants them to.  They think that they will get access if they "play the game".  Former Press Secretary Scott McClellan said that the White House sent Talking Points to Fox News and they used notice who Bush and Cheney did more interviews with during the war.  It is easy to see in hindsight.

  13. Because we have to be convinced that we've done a good job out there.

    Wait, how long ago were we supposed to end the war?

    The media bias is similar in the Israeli-Arab conflict:

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