
How come when ever i talk about beaning from Palestine people say yo mean "Israel"?

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when Israel has not REALLY been there for over 1000 years ?

because very few people in the world ( 30%-40%) recognize modern Israel i do not think it is relly Israel i prefer to say that they are just occupying Palestine




  1. Because there is no such country as Palestine. There could be if the Palestinians learned that blind hatred is getting them nowhere.

  2. God gave the Israelites a great deal more of the middle east.If they would have done what God told them to do in the first place the world and especially Israel wouldn't be going thru all this c**p now.I get so sick and tiered of you anti-Semitic jack asses,I wish I had a the jaw bone of an ***,I would go Sampson on some of you!!I bet you hate America to,so leave !!!

  3. Because they are morons and know nothing about history. Sad ,very sad.

  4. There is an internationally recognized country of Israel. Countries that do not recognize it are rather in minority.

    There are also so called "occupied territories", which include West Bank and Gaza Strip, which are sometimes referred to as "Palestine" (and let's hope that one day they will become an independent country).

  5. If you are in the U.S., we DO recognize Isreal's sovereignty and have, since the 1960's.  The term "Palestine" is considered very antiquated in the U.S., much as U.S.S.R. and Czechoslovakia are antiquated terms.  Being a very West-centric nation, most aren't familiar with the sensitivities that go along with that little strip of land between Africa and Europe that the Jews and Arabs have been fighting over for centuries.  To the U.S., Isreal is a country, not just the entity of a race of people.

  6. are you meaning you are Mr >bean

    try to avoid people who use yo for yes ,ie George bush, idiots or young black people \

  7. Oh please learn some History on Israel. There is no Palestine and no Palestinian people. They are Arabs, period. The Land of Israel was always Israel and never ever belonged to the "Arab" Palestinian people. They are Arabs or radical Arabs who until this day trying to take over Israel.

  8. Dear Ahmed,

    I won't even bother to ask you what are your sources for your comment that only 30%-40% of the people of the world recognize modern Israel.

    One point I wanted to tell you. Listen carefully... Very carefully. It is very important.

    Are you ready?

    Here you go:


    Got it?


  9. From what I know, all the boarders in the middle east were made up by the UK 60 years ago. None of those places existed.

  10. LOL.....My dear uneducated, and misinformed.......allow me to enlighten you........Israel DID NOT OCCUPY Palestine.....That land was given in covenant thru God to Abraham, Issac and Jacob! In other words....The JEWISH people. The Palestinians have never been an autonomous society, and before you go off of the "Their name was on the map" argument, read the history of how that area was named....Or in case you are too brainwashed I'll help you........The fact of history is that Israel lived as a sovereign nation in that land until the Roman army, led by Hadrian in 130 A.D attacked Jerusalem. The Emperor Hadrian hated the Jews so much for their Monotheistic theology and their refusal to bow to Rome that he removed the name Judea and replaced it with the name of Syria Palaestina, which were the ancient enemies of Israel, the Philistines. His attempt at renaming Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina failed, but his efforts to steal the Jewish claim to the land of Israel were successful. In spite of Hadrian's use of the term "Palaestina", the Palestinians have NEVER EXISTED as an autonomous society, and the land of Israel NEVER belonged to them. People who believe that the land of Israel was stolen and occupied by the Jewish people are nothing more than Anti-Semitic, and uneducated buffoons....So if the shoe fits......Wear it

    Agent.......It was the British Mandate of September 11th 1922 called the Churchill "White paper" that gave some 77% of the land called Israel to Jordan, and the British controlled and Governed that area of land in a "Land for Peace" deal. The British went on and then on May 15th 1923 Recognized Jordan as a legitimate state.  In 1939 another "White paper" was Issued by the British limiting Jewish immigration into that area of the Middle East not to exceed 75,000 over a five year period. What makes that so horrible was the fact that the majority of immigrants at that time were from Germany, so in essence the British Government sent thousands of Jews back to Hitler and the camps.

    Oh Yes before I go............GOD Bless Israel

  11. Israel is  a county, Palestine is not. Plain and simple

  12. Yea your rite. Isreal took over Palestine and now what was known as Palestine is now Isreal.

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