
How come when i get nervous on the first day of school my stomatch begins to hurt and too much saliva forms?

by Guest21474  |  earlier

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in my mouth




  1. Omg, i get so nervous too, not only that my stomach hurts, but i feel like i want to throw up and also go to the restroom, a lot!!!

    i'm so excited for school, but i hate the waiting to see my friends and the ride to school.

  2. It is natural to feel nervous on the first day of school. You are probably noticing all the reactions in your body because you are focusing on your self. Try to relax, remember everyone is nervous on the first day of school even the teacher. Try to focus on things that calm you or make you happy to relieve the stress of your first day.

  3. I have the same problem when I am nervous.  I've been that way all my life (51 years!).  Some people get dry mouth, others salivate like waterworks.  It's not a real problem, it's just the way you are.  Nothing to worry about - just be sure to keep your mouth closed and swallow often.  There's not much else you can do.

    As to the stomach - yes, I have always had that too and still do, whenever I am nervous or worried.  This is a very normal reaction for a lot of people as well.  I know it's easier said than done, but try your best to relax, and think about all the other stomachs that are probably hurting that first day, too!

    Best of luck on your first day - you'll be fine.

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