
How come when i live at home i'm so withdrwn? ?

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I'm usually pretty fun loving and not loud but talkative. Why when i live at home, i become sooo quiet, like i want to talk, but i just dont feel like it?? I dont know why i get like this. Its like i think whats the point of taling to guys, i'm not gonna date them anyway. I was really hurt by a bf and now dont give a **** bout guys. Whats wrong with me. I'm 24 and live at home cuase i'm still in school and cant afford, but its like i become this really boring person out in public, like nothing matters to me.why? advice?




  1. I don't know.. that is a bit late to be still at school at age 24.. I guess you can't have many friends of your own age who still go to school unless you go to university? Most people of your age group if not at university.. are working and have long since left home or are already married and thinking of starting a family...If you are a student, you should look for part time work, like other students normally do then you will feel less dependent on your parents.. at your age it's time you left the family nest...and if you had one disappointment with guys.. that doesn't mean that you will always have disappointments with guys.. you have to believe in yourself and you have to go out and join some clubs where you can meet people of your age group and maybe you will also meet the right guy.. if you change your attitude and don't continue to say...''I'm not going to date them anyway..'' there is too much negativity in your way of thinking you have to change those thoughts into positive thoughts and also regarding your living at home.. you just need to make a first step toward independence if you are still at school then you need to work part time.. that will allow you some money and some independence.. You must be a student... nobody else is still in school at age 24..  

  2. Home can be like that. It can be like a twilight zone atmosphere. A sort of limbo that exists outside of real life. My advice is to try to get out in the real world more if you can and be engaged in activities that energize you. Maybe some volunteer work or even a hobby. As for guys, maybe just stay away from them for a while and hang out with the girls.

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