
How come when i type in "shutdown -i" in and add a new ip adress to shutdown their computer ii doesn't work??

by  |  earlier

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i think im writing something wrong but idk. can anyone help me out??

im talking bout in the command prompt just to let u know




  1. First, you usually can only shutdown computers in your LAN. e.g. I can't shutdown your computer from here unless I get a virus on you comp. However, I can shutdown my dad's computer working downstairs, because he is on the same network. Also, if the destination computer has a good firewall, it'll likely block the request. Windows also has settings to block all types of requests, like ICMP ping requests. All these things are here to prevent... well, bad shutdowns. It wouldn't make much sense in the internet if you could say, shutdown google's computers all at once. That's all the logical reasons I can think of. Now, technical reasons... that's a whole different matter.

  2. it will give you a lot of commands

  3. Typing "shutdown /?" will give you a list of switches you can use with the command. The one you're looking for if you're trying to shutdown a remote computer would be "shutdown -s -m \\{computer name}".

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