
How come when i was drunk i collapsed and cant remember bits before i fell ?

by  |  earlier

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i had drink 1L of blue wicked a can of bulmers and tequila shots .? My legs went all week when i fell i wasnt expecting it at all...




  1. Because alcohol can kill off brain cells in the part of the brain responsible for memory!  You may also have bumped your head when you fell which wouldn't have helped!

  2. Because alcohol is a nerve poison. It has killed, and seriously affected the functioning of, a large number of your brain cells.

  3. It happens that way but as time goes on you may start to remember bits and pieces particularly when someone reminds you.

    Yes alcohol does damage brain cells but not after one night its more of a long term problem.

    Just like anything else if taken in moderation alcohol is quite safe.

  4. because WKD blue is a drink for girls and God punished you for drinking a girls drink

  5. You have suffered a MBI.... a mysterious beer injury. they are commonplace amongst drunken slobs such as yourself.

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