
How come when one applies for a job in Panama,they require a picture of the applicant as well ?

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Could I please have some serious answers ?




  1. its just know that back home one has to have a cedula (ID) for identification purposes, even your medical card, has to have a photo...this is all for identification know that back home, you have to be who you say you are...this rules out people using someone else's information...

  2. to see if you are a gorilla, or have evolved to the human animal stage.

  3. Now, its because they want to see "how you look", I meant no race but how you look overall. Like if you are well cut and presentable. Its discriminatory if you ask me.

    Show them a picture of Shakira or Jennifer Lopez and then you will see how you get "interviews" right away. Show them a picture of "Dog, the bunty hunter" and then you will get no calls.

  4. Make it easier to know who to terminate on the second day when the employee screws up?

  5. In a lot of  jobs the worker has to work with public and they are looking for a neat image, nice grooming, nice hair... But sometimes they just want to know the person who is applying for the job.

  6. Because there is a lot of "discrimination" and "racism" in Panama...they want  a youthful appearance,  thin, good looking ...white hispanic or of european ancestry.  If you are Asian, Black, or any other ethnicity and "ugly" have very little chance of being hired in a glamorous job there.

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