
How come when women stand up for female rights, its called Femminism but men standing up for male rights are?

by Guest56377  |  earlier

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called chauvinists?

think about it




  1. Ithere is something you should know about femenists,they are all chauvinist pigs who want more rights while in the process wanting to take men's,sorry dude but that's the sexist world we live in.

  2. Well, make up a better word then.  How about "menimists?"

    Think about it.

  3. Hypocrisy and double standard.

  4. Feminists only support ideas that benefit feminists.  Anyone(even other women) who does not agree with them is a chauvinist.  They sure have made a mess of things though.  Why do you think we have so much gender confusion these days?  Men have become weak and wimpy.

  5. Because men already have all the rights women have, plus more. The men who stand up for "male rights" are usually sexist and want women to not have rights

  6. Because we are judged by our genitalia.  Which is exactly what the original feminists hated to be judged by...

  7. It's actually called either the sufferage or feminism.  And Feminists are not standing up for "female rights".  They're standing up for equality on political and social matters for all human beings regardless of gender.  

    Standing up for male rights is a bit redundant considering most laws were written for men at a time when women were considered saddlebags for your horse rather than human beings.

  8. simple they cling to old illusions of a natural advantage as justification for them to express there hatred and sexist ideology's.

    What natural advantage? Last time I checked the majority of college graduates are female, the majority of college students are female, the majority of high school graduates and achievers are female? Where is this natural advantage?

    The only advantage men have is that when it comes to employment we are more willing to work the long hours, take little time off and we don't have to take a year or more off from the work force. That's it. That's the big advantage.

          People will justify hate any which way they can.

  9. its all about minorities women have had to struggle so its ok but  men have always had the advantage so its wrong its the same as why black power is a good thing and white power is racist  

    its all just shows how ridicules this world is

  10. Because men have always had all rights and women havent and it's about time we were equal!

  11. Men can stand up for their own personal rights if they have been violated, but to stand up for 'men's' rights in general is ridiculous. They have the highest powers, most opportunities and most of all the best rights in this country (higher pay for same job, etc..) so count your blessings. And stop complaining. There are STILL PLACES TODAY where it is legal to kill a woman for certain violations, or for showing off a part of her skin, etc... There is no type of man anywhere today, black, yellow, or any other color that still endures this lack of basic rights. You can be confident, but don't be a chauvinist and put other types of people or genders down, because you will 100% of the time come off as an ***. Sorry.

  12. Because we are preventing them from attaining equality if we have the same rights and opportunities as them.

    To "even out the playing field" they have to manipulte opportunity by denying us rights so that we cannot continue to produce better outcomes from the SAME opportunity.

    It's rejecting fair treatment in favour of equality for the sake of being equal

  13. "but men standing up for male rights are called chauvinists?" - Because the people who judge men and call them chauvinists have thin skins beneath there thick hideous hair. They dont like being judged or there hypocrisy and double standards being called out.

  14. because we allowed ourselves to be deemed this way we took them blame for our fore fathers and now we shall pay for it

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