
How come when you... (Guys only!)?

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Kick a guy in the you know wat, it hurts so badly? I just want to know! Cuz if a guy gets kicked there, they scream and cry like h**l, if u threaten to, they run away, so I was just thinking, seeing another question about this subject.




  1. im not answering you cuz th jonas brothers are the gayset thing the wolrd has to offer

  2. It really hurts. You cant even breath.

  3. i have nooo idea why it hurts so bad but it does. And its not even funny like it can cause serious problems.  Yes, it hurts a LOT!

  4. It is extremely painful, but it is not so painful that it incapacitates them. In my opinion when you see someone get hit in the nuts and they are rolling on the ground writhing in pain, they do so to get sympathy or a laugh. My point is that kicking a guy in the nuts is a bad defense against  a male attacker and it will only give them motivation to hurt you.

  5. I don't know why, maybe because that spot is sensitive but trust HURTS

  6. It hurts your stomach when you get kicked in the balls.  

  7. because that,s a tender place down there. what would you think if someone kicked you between the legs or grab your breast?

  8. seeing as you are a jonas fan..i'm going to assume you are to young to worry about such things...unless you plan on kicking joe honas in the you know what

  9. Imagine your ovaries were on the outside of your body, and someone came along and kicked you.  Or, say someone came up and gave you an uppercut to the uterus.  Not saying it's the worst pain a person can feel, but I sure wouldn't line up to get a crotch shot for kicks (sorry if I offend you folks that like that kind of thing).

  10. It hurts because their has to be a LOT of nerves there in order to reach o****m and ejaculate. So the nerves have to be really really sensitive. Add on the fact that the skin there isnt really thick and no muscle, so theres no barrier between your foot and the nerves.

  11. The testicles have lots of nerves and sensitivity to them! A man getting kicked in the you know what, may hurt just as bad as a broken bone! Hope that helps you understand our pain!

  12. Being hit in the valva would be like hit in the f******n, being hit in the k**b would be like hit in the clitorus, and being hit in the nuts would be like being hit in the ovaries....those are the comparative nerve receptors with the same feelings interpertation. Dudes and Ladies start out at the ebryo stage with the same ones and no determined gender. These nerve receptors spread out to the representing parts as gender developes. Having a horrible period cramp would be dwarf, compared to the feel of being hit in the nuts, even a light tap. A cup does not protect the nuts, only from being flattened and ruptured. A sudden jolt through a cup causes huge pain, and a cup get slid up over the nuts which is deadly pain.

    There is a connection of pain for the male, through the testicles, through the whole lower abdomen, to the stomach, and a hit there often results in instant vomiting from the intensity of the aching unrelenting pain.

    For a Dude to have this type of pain inflicted upon and in him, has the psychological equivalence to a woman being raped. I was taught to never hit a girl when I was yourger, but when I got older, I was taugh to hit a girl who intended to hit me there and do what it took to prevent it and that when a girl was going to hit me there, that it nullified all of the rules about never hitting or using man strength against a girl.

    Testicular trama is the main cause of testicular cancer.

    Girls attitudes varry from being repulsed and apauled by the idea of hitting a Dude in the nuts, to the extreme of power clash and great glee at the idea...It's kind of like everthing in life and the level of baggage and issues that a person might carry.

    Don't ever protoype all Ladies as being man haters or out to get a Dude in the nuts, cuz that just isn't true.

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