
How come when you get your physical the doctor has to touch your "package" and feel around it? ?

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just wondering-- please tell me




  1. Guest10731
    I'm an old geezer. In the old days, doctors checked out your stuff allot more than they do now. Doctors told you how to take care of your stuff. They found out if your f******n was too tight. And you could ask them questions about your stuff and s*x. Not anymore. Guys don't want a doctor to even look at their stuff, let alone touch it.

  2. All guys are checked for a hernia which involves the doctor placing his had under the s*****m and pressing while you cough.  Uncircumcized guys are usually checked to make sure they are able to retract their foreskins.  Prostate (rectal) exams don't usually happen until we're in our 40's.

  3. to inspect it.


  4. Most docs don't handle the p***s, they just check out the testicles for signs of cancer and also checks for hernias.

    You get off lucky dude- you don't have to get up in stirrups and have a Pap smear!

  5. so u dont have a swollen prostate or cancer

  6. Checking your prostate, testicles, etc. No, it's not sexual harassment.  

  7. one reason a doctor has to touch your 'package' is feel your testicles for any lumps, which could be testicular cancer.  this would be an opportunity for you to tell him, 'hey, that one hurt when you touched it' and then the doctor could pursue a more in depth questioning regarding the pain or discomfort.  the doctor may also be doing a quick visual, looking for any signs or symptoms of genital warts.  and finally, a doctor will also check you for a hernia when examining you there, which is why he will have you cough during the exam.  men should do regular testicular exams, preferably after a warm shower so the s*****m is relaxed and hangs low.

    hope that helps...

  8. When the doctor does that and has you cough, he is checking for hernias.

    One of the things the other answer said was that he was checking your prostate. He doesn't touch you there to check your prostate. He put his fingers in your a**s to do that and they usually don't start doing that until a man gets into his 40s.

  9. He doesn't HAVE to but if you want your stuff checked for lumps (cancer), hernias, any other irregularties tell him you don't want it done.


  10. to feel for lumps and bumps! cancers and other nasty things, it is very important that you also check yourself there once a week! you need to know if there is any changes.

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