
How come when you have a bad reaction to medication the Dr's act like you're the only one it ever happened to?

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When you know darned well that they're lying to you and just trying to avoid a lawsuit.




  1. Also, as far as that individual doctor is concerned, you may actually be the only patient they've ever seen who has had that particular bad reaction.

  2. Well, medications are not forced upon you..nobody forces you to take them. Before taking any medication you should understand the risks and side effects(you need to ask questions ; ask your doctor and pharmacist). Given that we all are different, medications react differently, and it's not 100% guaranteed that a certain drug will not harm you even after the drug has been FDA approved and under several experiments. When it comes to the American pharmaceutical industry, yes it's all about the's clearly all about the money. But they are also trying to help you feel better, treat you or cure you. But underneath it all, it's all about profit.

  3. Not really a question.  But you seem sincere in your concern.  Maybe you should try to help these people if you feel so strongly?  Start a charity.  Or awareness fund.  Be their advocate.   Also, think about the fact that any drug or medication is foriegn to the body.  The doctors that make these medications do test them before they are released for treating an ailment.  Now think about the people that are tested on before the drug is even finished.  The body reacts negativly for some and positivly for others.  These are risks that our government allows the drug manufacture to take.  I dont agree that it is right.  However.  Medications save lifes.  And it reminds me of a scene on the National Geographic channel I watched.  It is a question of right and wrong and how our own minds respond differently.  You live in an african village that is being raided by rebels who will certainly rape and kill everyone they find.  You and 40 other villagers are hiding in a hut and your infant child starts to cry.  Do you cover its mouth smothering the child to save yourself and your villagers, or do you let everyone get caught?

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