
How come whenever I dream of "my house," I always dream of my old house rather than where I currently live?

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I moved to this house about 7 years ago, and I'm firmly settled in, but whenever I dream of "my house," it is always my old house and old neighborhood. Why is that?




  1.       the thing which r more close to us wont let us free... due 2 some good things or bad things that had happend in that house may close 2 ur heart........

           this may b the reason for that.......

  2. I completly relate to you on this. To You about your old house because you are probably fond of many memories there. I am allways dreaming of my old house too and different things happen there. Whether it is scary fond memories or just weird. I dont know why we dream about our old house.

    It is something that is still a part of you. My take on it.

  3. It could be because you may have grown up in the other house, or you were happier in the other house, maybe without knowing it. Or, there is something hidden in that house, (under the floorboards, in the walls etc.) which I know sounds very silly, but so does the word "people."

  4. My dear Captain... wouldn't believe this, but it's TRUE.... I still dream of the house on "Cedarlawn" Detroit...-and- I have left from there in 1990 !!! That's 18 yrs. ago, but I still dream about that place...So..that proves, that I am much more "affiliated" with my "old" place than I am with the current one. You see...we dream about the things closest to our heart & soul...things/places we were more familiar with, were we were content & happy, etc.- Whatever "lingers" in our subconscious we're dreaming about !!! So...obviously you were more "connected" to your previous residence than the current one ! Hope, this explanation helped you !!!

    Wish you many more pleasant dreams in the future & all the best for ya ! Greetings from Germany with lots of love & care...Annette***

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