Serious Question I have always wanted to ask:
Does it kind of bother non-whites that most whites aren't that affected if someone refers to them as a "cracker" or a *h onkey*
It seems that a lot of white people really don't care if a non-white person makes fun of their race or calls them a racial slur. Most are just angry at the fact that someone is trying to insult them and annoying them rather than actually being angry at the racial slur.
Hispanics don't really get offended all that much either, I've noticed. I mean they do, but not as much as Asians, Jews, and Blacks.
I mean seriously, if you call a redneck guy out in Kentucky a *h onkie* or a "cracker" he will pretty much take it as a complment rather than a slur. Tell the same to an Irish guy in Boston or an Italian guy in Queens and he won't flinch.
Now ironically, if you call an Italian a "guinea" or that he is part black, then he goes beserk. The point is that it is very hard to get a white person mad by shouting racial slurs.