
How come white people aren't really affected by racial slurs?

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Serious Question I have always wanted to ask:

Does it kind of bother non-whites that most whites aren't that affected if someone refers to them as a "cracker" or a *h onkey*

It seems that a lot of white people really don't care if a non-white person makes fun of their race or calls them a racial slur. Most are just angry at the fact that someone is trying to insult them and annoying them rather than actually being angry at the racial slur.

Hispanics don't really get offended all that much either, I've noticed. I mean they do, but not as much as Asians, Jews, and Blacks.

I mean seriously, if you call a redneck guy out in Kentucky a *h onkie* or a "cracker" he will pretty much take it as a complment rather than a slur. Tell the same to an Irish guy in Boston or an Italian guy in Queens and he won't flinch.

Now ironically, if you call an Italian a "guinea" or that he is part black, then he goes beserk. The point is that it is very hard to get a white person mad by shouting racial slurs.




  1. it most definitely because white people think they are better then everyone and calling them a word that is racial doesn't mean  anything if they look where its coming from believe me i know I'm a Jew and I look like an average white person but when say things to me about being white it doesn't really affect me its when they call me a k**e it does because as a white person I'm a majority but as a Jew I'm a minority plus I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the white man started the racial thing and there the ones that pick a new people to pick on each year first the Jews then the blacks and now the Arabs  

  2. Probably because they know they are a majority, and more "powerful" so to say. I`m not saying this should be the case.

  3. It's interesting to note that "cracker" or "h****y" don't sound as offensive as "n*gger".  They just don't pack the same punch.

  4. should i be? call me whatever you want all it is is one persons opinion and whether or not you like me doesn't change the fact that i'm still here, personally i've got bigger fish to fry then who think what of me

    just a heads up h****y was what the folks from boston were called because on certain word their accent makes them sound like they're honking like geese

  5. Hello,

    Well they have been on top of the heap of the techno - political world for over a millenia, very confident with respect to their place in the world now so they do not take any of the slurs seriously and treat them more as a complement or joke as you surmise. As an analogy, if I call an Ivy League professor at Harvard a Moron, he is confident enough to know that his credentials say quite the opposite and what I'm saying is like an oxymoron. If I say the same thing to a blue collar worker who hasn't had the opportunity or perhaps academic ability to reach those heights then his reaction will be different and perhaps hostile.


    Michael Kelly

  6. Because we aren't immature like other races. What you guys find offensive we find hilarious. Plus we are secure with our skin color, we know we're beautiful regardless of are skin color.

  7. it all sounds like a bunch of name calling to infantile

  8. - Well first off most racial slurs directded towards white people are weak and have no history of causing real hurt and pain

    Secondly some of those words are just downright funny sounding

  9. That's so true.. I dont care if someone calls me a cracker or anything.. im like okay, whatever?! But you make a good point about other races, and that they really do get offended and freak out about it, but white people are just whatever. I guess we just dont care, and its like okay whats your point, im white, who cares. Kind of funny though when you think about it..  

  10. Well, lets take a look at an American icon: JEFF FOXWORTHY.  Call him a REDNECK and he'll agree with you.  We're not as thin skinned as SOME folks are.  Call us what they want, they'll just look like an ignorant jackas.s when we give them a blank look. " Oh, that was an INSULT?"

    Case in point.  My parents (mother & step-dad) considered themselves red necks (mom was from Finland and step-dad was from Pennsylvania) because..."if directions to your house include turning off a paved road, you might be a red neck."  They had a house in Delaware where you had to turn off rte 113 north onto a dirt lane.  Their house was in between 2 soy bean fields.  They could watch the deer eating the new soy bean shoots, foxes play in their back yard and wild turkeys coming out into the fields in the fall.

  11. They don't even care when people call them p****r-woods or rednecks.

    I think they care but are not reactionary. I love Lil Wayne for adding that line in A mill about "rolling the Lamborghini windows down coz he hopes the crackers see him"...

  12. Whites made up all those insults. minorities just copied what we said. The insults got out of date but minorities still say them.  Someone calls you a caca head or pee pee face, it is more humorous than offensive.

  13. the funny thing is no one can make fun of me since i'm multiracial, half bangladeshi(asian), half british(causain)

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