
How come with so much of the earth coverd with water, we dint evolve with gills??

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im thinking if we got off the trees and started hunting dint we learn to swim and fish? is it possible that there is some sort of humanoid-fish man that lives under water? it is said we know more about space than the depths of our own planet... so makes me wonder, are sharks and dolphins it?? are amphibians better equipped or more successful? or is it that the water was too harsh an environmnet for a humanoid form? mongoloid people have an extra layer of skin and quite evolved to live in chilly places, could that apply for under water?? see technically we shouldnt be living in sub-zero temperatures right? also begs the question why was a population of humans living in sub-zero temperatures? couldnt they migrate?? and if they did like south-america( i suppose) why did they survive with features that werent meant for that climate?? ...




  1. I don't know what kind of medication you're on but my belief is that none of my ancestors "evolved" from anything but our maker. They never lived in trees or had tails, gills or scales. You, on the other hand may have and if that's what you were raised to believe that's fine with me. Be it far from my judgment to tell someone else what to believe. And, when the Earth first started I don't believe there was as much water here as there is now.

    I think the only humanoid fish man you're going to find will be from the minds of Stephen Spielberg, Stephen King and a multitude of other science fiction writers. Never hurts to wonder though.

    I love coming in here to see what the rest of the world is wondering about but I'm really busy with trying to change the here and now and accept the things I cannot change. (For now) Well, I guess if I get enough people together who have a passion to change some small part of the here and now for the better I could.

    Otherwise, keep asking questions. Someone out there will have the answers that you agree with, just not me.

  2. Life on earth originated in earth's oceans. As life moved to land, the sea creatures adapted to breathing the primitive atmosphere and shed their aquatic breathing apparatus. It's called evolution.

  3. In order for humans to have gills we would have to 'devolve' not 'evolve'!

  4. Actually, it doesn't beg the question.  I don't think "begging the question" means what you think it means.

  5. Our ancestors did have gills at one point, before they came on land.

    Other mammals that returned to the water (whales, dolphins, and seals) didn't evolve gills again, but can hold their breath for ridiculously long times.

    Humans are however, excellent swimmers, far unlike other primates, who are lucky to keep from sinking, much less swimming for miles as humans can.

    This leads people to believe that humans are really primates who adapted to coastal living at some time spending large amounts of time in the water rather than in the trees.  It's still the best theory I've ever heard. We have many adaptations to water other primates don't.

    Sorry I didn't fall for your straw man.

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