
How come with the advent of cell phone cams we don't have a lot of pictures of UFO's?

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How come only kooks see UFO's and why if you are an alien or a time traveler do you only talk to those late night radio shows that come on at 3:00am?




  1. Because there are no UFO's. >_>

  2. that should tell you how most people view the subject.

    I'm sure there are allot of pics from cell phones.

    but like the 100.000 reports on UFOs,its only like 3 % of the total

    sightings. same with more images just sit in someones drawer for 30 years.

    britain announced that their government will release all ufo photos from the past 30 years or so.

    well im waiting!!!!!!!

  3. I suggest you take a serious look at the scientific evidence about UFO sightings. Read about DMT experiences on I think you may become a believer if you do. I refused to believe in them ever since I was a little kid. Only until recently have I had to give in to admittance that they are real because I did an extensive study of the reports. We humans think we know so much. Just because other planets are light years away does not mean that it is not possible to warp the fabric of space and time. I personally believe that they are not extraterrestrials, rather extradimensionals. Reality is stranger than fiction.

  4. Your the one posting a ufo question , kook.

  5. The same reason with all the cell phone cameras nobody has yet to get a picture of Santa or the Easter Bunny

  6. I've seen a UFO back in Halloween '95.. It flew away fast though.. But I believe it was fake.. and I believe they all are, I mean how are people so prepared, having a camera at the strangest times.. its like WTF?!

  7. we do just search

  8. Cell phone cameras generally aren't very good.  So getting a decent picture of a UFO might be difficult with a cell phone.

  9. I think people just don't come forward because they are afraid of beig dismissed as kooks.

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