
How come woman say that they new when they got pregnant?

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My friends that have been blessed with getting pregnant have always told me they could like feel it (or something) that they new the second they were pregnant.

Is this true in the slightest bit? Does your body feel instantly different?

Please explain any knowledge about this.




  1. The only reason i knew i was pregnant before i did a test is that i could smell funny smells. I've got a 5 yr old daughter and experienced the same thing with her. Funny for example my other half and i were lying in bed and i could smell garlic on him and never have before and the smell of cigarette smoke was stronger if i walked past someone smoking.

    I've heard some people saying hey knew straight way but i didn't like i said was symptoms that made me realise

  2. i always know 2 weeks before i can take the test! i think you have to very in tune w/ your body. like, i know when somethings fact, i had an ultrasound to check the growth of my fibroids, and i said "dont you see a baby in there?" and she said," no"- i started crying, and she said "well, we couldnt see anything fo 5 weeks anyway." and i said"oh, well, im only about 2 weeks along"

    they even gave me a test at my request!! negative,then 2 weeks later - POSITIVE!!

    we all laughed at the dr's office, cause i said "see, i knew!"

  3. I certainly didn't!

    In fact I didn't realise until I was 13 weeks pregnant.

  4. yeah, it's true. it's the slightest shift but for some women, you get this feeling one day that lets you know life is growing inside of you. it's pretty cool. I knew about a week before I even missed my period.  

  5. I knew when I got pregnant with my husband was drunk and wouldn't take no for an answer   LOL

  6. i got pregnancy symptoms pretty soon after i ovulated but i didn't "know" that i was pregnant. i thought i was and hoped that i was but i didn't know until i didn't start my period and took a test. however i started feeling some pregnancy symptoms about 8 days after ovulation which was 12 days before my missed period.

  7. I think so.   It was like womens intuition too, almost like your body gets a bit of a hum to it. When you have the baby later the hum disappears and your body goes quiet.  I can only describe it like an energy pulse, as though your body suddenly recognises the change and goes into baby building mode.  Of course a couple days later I got the nausea, breast soreness and dizziness to help confirm it but some people don't get any symptoms until 4 weeks.  

    Maybe it depends on how in tune you are with your body.

  8. With my oldest son I didn't know. I was nearly 9 weeks before I even realized the fact.

    With this one I just knew. I can't explain it, I just felt different. My symptoms seem to come earlier than with my first.

    Some women just know their bodies better (ie: when they ovulate) than others.


    Oldest son Dylan (4), 25 weeks 5 days with Daniel

  9. I knew, intuitively, the moment I conceived.  There is no explanation other than I was certain the pregnancy test would be positive in 2 weeks -and it was.

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