
How come women can't drive in saudi arabia?

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I know its not islams fault, but if saudi arabia is supposedly an example of Islam why does it goes against islam? What's their explanation on that?




  1. I was watching this documentary where the camera man was following a Saudi women and she was commenting on that issue by saying Saudi Arabia just isn't ready for women to be able to drive.

  2. something in the law stating that women can not travel more than 40 mile without a male chaperon, but this male chaperon has to be someone she can not marry like father, grandfather, uncle, nephew, and brother.

  3. it's a cultural choice made by saudis. nothing to do with religion.

    why do american women have abortions when such an act is considered an abomination in christianity?

    it's a cultural choice. not religious.

  4. This is the Ijtihaad of the Ulemaa in Saudia.

    Shaykh bin Baaz rahimahullaah applied a well-known fiqh principle in his Fatwa banning women from driving in Saudia.

    His statement was based on the principle "Preventing Harm takes precedence over bringing about a good"

    And within Saudi Society, most understand the large amounts of Fitnah that will occur so many of the people accept this Fatwa. The Majority of women in Saudi don't really care to drive within the cities. The voices you hear are from the minority, not the majority.

    Women are allowed to drive in the rural areas outside the city, the law only applies within the major cities.

    Just as one of the Ministers said: "We know our women, we know our society".

    As for the Islaamic ruling, Imaam al-Albaanee said:


    Questioner: Is it permissible for a woman to drive a car?


    If it is permissible for her to ride upon a (female) donkey then it is permissible for her to drive a car.


    But there is a difference between a donkey and a car.

    Sh Al-Albaanee:

    Which is more concealing – riding upon a donkey or in a car? I would suggest (riding in) a car.

    Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee

  5. do not suppose saudi as an example of islam.they are rethinking about allowing women to drive.

  6. driving a car is not obligatory in islam,so there is nothing to worry about.

    so govenment has a right to decide according to their culture

    and society.

    they r freed to decide what ever suits them .

    what west is doing no body has any objection ,So why every body is after Saudi Arabia?

  7. If she gets into an accident with a car driven by another man they're both going to have to get out of their cars to see that each other's alright. If there's nobody else around they might end up sleeping with each other. If the man's angry he might abuse her if she has no male protectors. This law prevents it from happening. Based on hadiths saying a woman can't ride a camel for further than [x] distance or [x] days without a male relative to protect her safety.

  8. Salam for you dear John.Women in Saudi Arabia could not drive because among others:

    1)men drivers are crazy there

    2)there are no school of driving  which its instructors are women

    3)their husbands are too busy so they could not teach for driving to their wives

    4)there are scarce of police woman who will test the would be woman drivers before giving the license.

    It does not against Islam.

  9. Saudi Arabia not only prohibits women from driving but also from voting, among many other things. One of the users above said that it is to protect women because there are crazy male drivers. Not true, the excuse most Saudis give is that women are uncontrollable and emotionally unable to drive. It has nothing to do with Islam, Saudi Arabia is just really conservative and somewhat oppressive of Muslim women and their freedom.

    Contrary to current beliefs, things are changing in Saudi Arabia. Women will be able to vote in 2009, they are rethinking the driving issue and will allow them to start sooner or later, women don't have to cover anymore, they go to places by themselves, etc.

    Islam gives women the freedom to do many things, it just has to do with the governments ignorance of women.

    To Sara:

    Where did I say they don't have to cover or go out by themselves without Mahram? I clearly said that women in "Saudi Arabia" don't have to cover anymore or go with Muhrams, especially in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, and now in Jaddah and Riyadh as well.

    To Sara:

    No worries :P haha, so is the rest of Saudi Arabia!

    To Bell:

    Do you even know what you're talking about? The Taliban are in Afghanistan, not Saudi Arabia. And they are not oppressed by Wahhabis/Salafis either, it all has to do with the governments ignorance. And it's Saudi Arabian to you.

    To Asker:

    The reason Saudi Arabia is supposedly the example of Islam is because it is the only government that takes the Sharia (law) most seriously, though not always correctly. The government is basically afraid of what women would want after they get their freedom to drive. They think women will take advantage of any chance they get at freedom and want more, thus resulting in chaos. You get the picture :)

    To Denise:

    Emotional excuse? And what is that if I may ask?

    The religion is not the law. There is a big difference between the government, religion, and culture. And unless you know what you are talking about, I suggest you don't answer questions you are not familiar with.

    YES, somewhat oppressive and very conservative. What's it to you? You're thousands of miles away from Saudi Arabia, you can't do c**p. Saudi is already moving forward because women there are speaking up. You don't need to get all worked up for other people's problems, which they happen to be working on themselves! No one needs your pity or your criticism.

    I am a woman, so by you saying I own a woman is very smart of you. And fake what?! I'm clearly saying what the Saudi government and many Saudi men think of women driving, this isn't my personal opinion. The asker obviously wanted to know about Saudi Arabia and their explanation on why women can't drive. My advice, don't start a debate where you're not even educated enough with the topic. Peace.

  10. They are afraid to give freedom to women. Nor can a woman drive while clad head to toe in a burqua.Nor are these women allowed to step out without a man of the family.

    Some one above said they are being protected from rash drivers . Duhhh you have to see driving in India. Nobody follows the road rules. Its a scary place to drive. But women drive all the time.

  11. Apparently it doesn't really go against Islam as no one here seems to have a problem with the fact it is done in the name of Islam and it nothing more than a slightly different spin on it.

    >>>it's a cultural choice made by saudis. nothing to do with religion.<<<

    The religion is also their law.

    >>>why do american women have abortions when such an act is considered an abomination in christianity?<<<

    1. Because we have the right to make decisions over our bodies. 2. Not all Americans are Christians.

    >>>it's a cultural choice. not religious.<<<

    There is no “CHOICE” and I believe that is the point. Once again the religion is the law and it is done in the name of Islam.

    >>>Saudis give is that women are uncontrollable and emotionally unable to drive. It has nothing to do with Islam,<<<

    Gee, seems as if I have heard this emotional excuse somewhere before…….

    >>>Saudi Arabia is just really conservative and somewhat oppressive of Muslim women and their freedom.<<<

    SOMEWHAT AND CONSERVATIVE??!!!! But not really a problem I suppose?

    >>>They think women will take advantage of any chance they get at freedom and want more, thus resulting in chaos. You get the picture :)<<<

    We get the picture very clear thank you. You all believe you own women like you would own a dog and it is so deep rooted you can’t even fake it.

  12. How come Man Marry a Man  in California ? !!

    ewwwwww !!!

    it's their rules their country so mind you own Bizniz  please!

    if you ever typed Saudi drive  in Youtube and saw how cray they are in Driving you will know that why Women can't drive their

    anyway whats is more good than you have your Own Driver

    so every woman their treated like the Queen of England !

  13. Power.

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