
How come women like to ask for directions?

by Guest63890  |  earlier

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dont they know how annoying it is to give out directions?




  1. Because some woman who don't know the area will ask for directions.

  2. because, unlike men, we can admit when we are lost.  Which wouldn't have happened in the first place had you let us print off those directions like we asked!!

  3. because we want to get where we are going instead of stressing out and driving in circles or in the wrong direction. giving out directions is not annoying.helping others should be an annoying thing.

  4. Women asks for directions only as a last resort.  If they feel lost, a sense of fear sets in and looking for the nearest answer is calming.  Plus we are social butterflies and don't mind starting up conversations if necessary.

  5. I used to live in New York City and people (both men and women) asked me for directions all the time.  I didn't find it annoying at all.

    I've travelled to many different cities all over the world, and some had incredibly confusing layouts.  I'm a MAN and I've been fortunate to meet many kind, helpful people who probably saved me hours of frustrating, aimless wandering.   See?  It evens out.  People ask you for directions in your town, you ask them for directions in their town, and luckily I haven't run into too many pricks like yourself who think it's "annoying" for someone to take up, what, 30-seconds of your time?  

    But yes, proceed with the stereotypes.  Women always ask for directions, asians are good at math, blah, blah, blah.

  6. I always ask for directions , if i'm lost ... and I was a professional driver .

       If you're too dumb or too proud to ask for help ... you can be the one going in circles for hours and hours and hours and hours ,while I'm happily at my destination.

       I also give out directions when asked ... no problem.

  7. we wish to know if we are going the right way..

    it helps in unfamiliar territory!


    and we also love to give directions too!

    like this!

    ok go down this road..until you see so and so...they have great so and so...then turn left and keep goin till you see so and so...Gosh i love that has great so and should really go there! ok now i was saying what? OH yeah! then take a right and keep going till u come by so and so...that place is awsome! and go down further a little will pass up so and so...( love it) and so...( nice place to eat..good atmosphere! and so and so ( i love that place too..such nice ppl!)...and then you will be at so and so!

  8. Stop making generalizations, please.  I'm a woman and I HATE to ask for directions.  Not because I'm stubborn, but because I hate interacting with strangers.  I usually plan my trip ahead and print a map/directions from Google or Mapquest.

  9. It beats getting lost.

  10. Tell me once and I'll remember all the landmarks; in truth I have; speaking for myself; have no sense of direction.  The only way I ever got around is remembering certain landmarks.

  11. Because I don't find it particularly diverting to go hither and yon and risk going into dangerous neighborhoods... because I'm lost and simply have too much pride to admit it!

    Of course, asking for directions is becoming more of a thing of the past. Thank goodness for things like mapquest and GPS.

  12. We pretend to be the helpless damsel in distress so the big strong, smart manly man can come to our rescue, and feel like a man.

  13. Because we don't want to end up spending the night in some rundown motel like the one in the movie 'Vacany'.

  14. The story is that if Moses had stopped ask directions, the Israeli's would not have spent 40 years wandering around the desert lost.

  15. So we can get to where we need to go. Google maps and Yahoo maps aren't always accurate.

  16. because we like to know where we are going, and men wont ask

  17. I'll give this one to the ladies.  I'm a stubborn *** who'll waste an hour and a half getting somewhere I should have gotten in a half hour.  My wife will pull over at a gas station and get directions.  My problem is that getting to my destination becomes a problem and finding the solution becomes my goal.  If someone else finds it for me that doesn't count, I want to be the one who achieves it.  Also once I find it myself I know, and don't have to ask again.  She'll ask how to get to the same place 10 times.  Nonetheless, when we really need to be somewhere, her way makes more sense.

  18. I've had many men ask me for directions too, dear. And it's not annoying. I like making sure these people find their destination.

  19. Because we don't want to be lost for hours and hours.

  20. Just to annoy you.

  21. because we like to manage our time ... and would do anything to save as much time as possible to have more fun time :)

  22. im a woman, and i dont particularly like asking for directions.

    id rather just know where im going the first time.

    but thats not always the case, and us women dont have much patience for men who think they know it all and can do it themselves.

    so we have to do it for them.

    and im sorry you think its so annoying to help out people in need.

    ill try to think of other peoples feelings next time im LOST because i now know how ANNOYING it is to give directions.

  23. Better than not getting to your destination on time or at all...and today given the cost of gas, the best road is the one that gets you there the quickest and if you spend all that time driving around lost you lose time and money wasted on gas for no reason.

  24. It's "easier" than reading a map.

    What they often FAIL to realize is that people often give you THE WRONG DIRECTIONS......

  25. Because they realize that they don't know where to go and they won't be able to figure it out on their own.

  26. If I'm lost and need directions, I'll ask. It's just common sense. Many men do it too.

    I used to get asked for directions all the time by tourists (male and female) when I worked in central London. I never minded giving them, it's nice to help people out. Plus I felt partly responsible for their impression of the city and its people :-)

  27. We are smart enough to know when we need them.  No one minds giving me directions.  You should be so lucky.

  28. Because we can swallow.

    Our pride. *dirty minds people*

  29. well its better then what men do!! they drive around aimlessly for hours sayin im not lost i know where we are.... and its sometimes a good way to get a date

  30. I don't have to ask for directions I have a navigation system built into my car.


  31. For the same reason a man won't ask for directions, it annoys you.  That gives us great pleasure.

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